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"The Survivor" perk bonus wellness


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Something appears to not be working right for me with the perk "The Survivor". Not posting this in bug reports yet because I'm not sure if there's something to this mechanic that I'm missing.


Basically, with the final rank of The Survivor, I should be getting a bonus 40% wellness gain from all actions (IIRC - working from memory here). That should boost the wellness gain from meat stew over 2 (2.04), yet I'm not even gaining 1 wellness point every meat stew, much less 2 points. It's almost acting like it's subtracting the bonus amount (which would end up at 0.96 wellness per stew) rather than adding it.


I notice the same issue with blueberry pies, sometimes taking 3 or 4 just to gain 1 point of wellness, so I don't think it's an item-specific problem with the meat stews.


Has anyone else experienced similar?

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As it was explained to me...


There two different “wellness” values. The wellness that food/drink gives you and the wellness that is essentially your hitpoints.


The wellness from food and drink applies to a hidden calculation. Think of it like your level experience bar. Each time you each or drink 2.04 wellness is added to the experience bar. Once the “experience bar” fills up, you gain a hit point.


Each hit point takes a little more experience point to gain. That is why I’m the beginning one meat stew would give you a single hit point. Now it takes a couple.

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I seem to remember this being brought up once before and it was to do with your health level - once you get it past a certain point (150 I think), it takes more wellness to push it up higher. This was some time ago though so I don't know if it's still a thing.

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I believe every 50 in wellness you go up the more it takes.


If your trying to get your wellness up fast, go to snow biome with lots of beef stew and take all clothes off, or put on clothes that cool you down. You'll be hungry all the time

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