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I have some faults and suggestions

Spraying druid6

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Cuando cae un paquete de ayuda y si le pongo pausa, se desaparece.Al agarrar paquetes de ayuda y llega un zombie tantito salgo, se elimina el paquete. Al poner pantalla dividida, el juego se traba mucho y aveces nos saca del juego y se borra aproximadamente los ْltimos 5 segundos.

Sugiero lo siguiente, (esto esta hecho por lo que yo sugiero que estaria padre que le agregaran) estaria chido que pusieran mلs armas, como una katana o espada de fuego, que pusieran supervivientes que les pagues y ya trabajan para tي, que hubiera una banda de supervivientes que sean malos y otros buenos y que el modo creativo se ponga igual en local.


Gracias por el tiempo, fuera de las fallas, me gusta mucho el juego, llevo ya tiempo jugando y me gusta mucho, sigan asي.[/Quote]



Google Translation:


When a help package falls and if I put a pause, it disappears. When I grab help packages and a zombie arrives, I go out, the package is eliminated. By putting a split screen, the game gets a lot stuck and sometimes it takes us out of the game and it is deleted approximately the last 5 seconds.

I suggest the following, (this is done because of what I suggest it would be father to add) would be cool to put more weapons, such as a katana or sword of fire, that put survivors who pay and work for you, that there was a band of survivors that are bad and others good and that the creative mode is equal in local.


Thanks for the time, out of the failures, I really like the game, I've been playing for a while and I like it a lot, keep it that way.

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Hi Spraying druid6,


I moved your thread to it's own post as it appears to be unrelated to the original location you posted in - please avoid jumping into other players threads in future.


Please also post in english on the forums - this is part of the forum rules as all Mods need to be able to read what is being posted. I understand that english is probably not your first language, but using google translate should be enough to help me understand the issue.


- Can you please tell me what console you are on?

- What type of game are you playing?

- How long do you pause for when the package disappears?

- When you say you are grabbing packages when a zombie arrives, do you mean you quit the game entirely and the package is no longer there when you load in?

- When playing splitscreen, do you have a lot of lights / trees / spikes / torches / wood frame windows placed around your base? How is the playing joining?


For the suggestions you have, there is a post where you can suggest these: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?66146-Pimp-Dreams-Console-Edition but please note this is more for cosmetic additions only. If you would like to suggest something added or changed in the core game, it would need to go through the PC Pimp Dreams thread.


I believe NPCs / survivors like you mentioned have be talked about on the PC side already. Creative mode in local can be simulated by turning on Cheats in the options menu.


Thank you,


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