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[XB1] Crash when player 2 exits game on splitscreen


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Platform: XB1

Game Type: Splitscreen

Map Type: Navezgane

Seed/Save Name: N/A

Disk or Digital: Digital

DLC: None

Character: Hank (player 1) / Maria (player 2)

Difficulty: Scavenger (I think... whatever the easiest one is)

Run: Always walk

Aggression: Normal

Day length: 18 hours

Drop On Death: Toolbelt

Enemy memory: 30 seconds

Enemy Spawning: Low

Block durability: 100

Loot respawn time: 5 Days

Loot abundance: 200

Airdrops: daily

24 hour cycle: 120 Min

In-game Day: Multiple

Installed Game Location (Console / HDD): Console

Remaining Space in install Location: 24.5 GB


My wife and I play splitscreen, and we try to restart the game every hour to cut down on crashes. It seemed like a good idea to have her (player 2) quit out first to get her character saved before I (player 1) quit the entire session. However, there seems to be about a 50% chance that when she quits the game, instead of just expanding my side of the screen to full screen, it crashes straight to the home screen. It doesn't seem to matter what either of us was doing or where our characters were located, although most of the time, she does prefer to quit out from inside our base, which is the prefab forge house on the northeast shore of the spillway lake in Navezgane.

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