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Base keeps resetting on xbox one


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Day 106 16:00 NAVEZGANE. Private multiplayer game. My base keeps resetting. My first base was a pre-fab structure that had reset twice. So, I built my own base thinking this would alleviate the problem. It didn't work. My new base has reset to the original terrain. I was playing last night, and the game crashed. I didn't think nothing of it, because it crashes quite often. I loaded up my saved game today, and my base had reset. I lost all of my equipment. This is very disheartening. I had amassed a lot of resources, and poof it's gone. This makes me not want to play the game anymore. I know many have had this problem. I would like to know what Fun Pimps is doing to fix this issue. This issue has been happening since the games release.

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Well it won't be the pimps cause they arn't in charge. Good luck getting anything out of tell tall or iron galaxy. I've emailed both and neither of them responded to me. This has been a problem since the beginning, and the only responses are we are getting a big update later this year. No guarantee that it will be fixed.

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Possible help


A buddy and I tested this all weekend, and so far, so good. If you have one or can get one, try installing and running the game from an external hard drive. We used to have this issue constantly and with the external drive, we're still getting crashes but (knock on wood) none of the crashes have caused any type of data reset/loss of work.

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Hi Nasis18,


I am sorry you have been hit by the MD5 error (where a section of the map can reset to the day 1 state) I know how disheartening this can be, especially to have it occur multiple times.


The Fun Pimps created the game and work on the PC version, Iron Galaxy are porting to Console, and Tell tale games are the publishers. I am the point of contact and support for the console version of the game ( details here on my role and support being run from the forums here - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?61911-04-21-Title-Change-and-Clare-ification ).


The MD5 error is a term for a group of bugs that all cause the same problem. Since they were originally reported, the team has worked to fixing many of the multiple triggers that cause an MD5 error to occur. Even though it is not mentioned in the patch notes, most of the previous patches have contained fixes for errors, in at least one case a dedicated hotfix was also released. Because of the nature of the MD5 error and the fact that it has multiple triggers, I cannot give an estimate on when this will be fixed. As with all bugs, some are more difficult to fix than others, and the reminding MD5 errors are on the difficult side. However the team has assured they are not giving up on this and are working to find and test a solution to this issue.


While I understand it is not ideal, there is a workaround that some players say have helped them avoid MD5. This is a player-found workaround so caution is advised as it involves deleting and re-syncing files from the cloud - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?69218-Possible-work-around-and-or-solution-to-md5-crashes(base-wipes-resets)



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