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Unable to connect to multiplayer


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At one point I was able to join on my friends game and it randomly kicked me out, now 1 hour later I've done everything I can think of to reconnect and nothing. Both of us have restarted our consoles and even went as far as resetting the internet. The host can connect but i keep on getting the same error over and over .. "failed to connect to the server. Please try again later" since he is playing on an open server other players can join and even with invites I still get the same message. At a point I was able to connect for a brief moment but only to get kicked out a few just minutes after reconnecting...this is very frustrating, this game is great concept but at this point its a POS..sooooo many glitches, crashes and random errors... I'm quite positive you guys are working on something but this has been like this since I bought the game, you would imagine that at one point someone would take the time to get this glitches figured out or at least offer ppl a chance to get their money back .. You paid for a something to use and enjoy not to get annoyed and frusrated.....

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Hi Nijarzkl,


I am sorry to hear you are having trouble connecting to your friends.


Can you please give me the connection details of you and your hosts internet connections using the list below:


Host or Client:

Upload Speeds (while playing the game):

Download Speeds (While playing the game):

NAT type:

Wired or Wireless connection:

Internet Service Provider (ISP):

Router connected to console:

How many console connected to same router:


I understand your frustration, and I will do my best to help troubleshoot the issue. As Ignoringmywife1 mentioned, some people have found broadcasting wifi from another device or a hotspot connection allows them to play. While not ideal this can be an indicator of where the connection is having issues.


A connection issue is present on XB1, a patch was released for this issue some time ago, but it only fixed the issue for about 50% or so of players that were effected by the issue. It became apparent that there was a second connection issue - this is the one the team are still working on, but because of the large number of varying factors and possibilities with player connections the issue is difficult to pin point and replicate for the team.



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