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Xbox base erase error?


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Hi I'm a relitively new player (Xbox) and my base has been erased. Now I've done a bit of reading and this is called an MD5 error I believe. Okay. Firstly is there a way to fix this bug and return it back to the way it was. I have tried hard reseting my xbox.

If there isn't a fix, and from what I've read this has been an on going thing for years, why are you still selling this game for money? Fix it or make it free.

Is there a refund option?

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If you want a refund you have to go back to the place you bought it. If you got a digital download you're screwed.


The console version has only been out for a little over a year, so it can't be years that this has been goin on.


There is no way to get your stuff back without restarting and gathering again.


I played in a guys world for months that I was goin to pvp when I was strong enough. I was really close. Then one day the game crashed. When I joined back in my character had reset back to day one. No skills no levels everything gone.

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Hi Damien,


I am sorry to hear you have been hit by the MD5 error. Unfortunately it is not possible to revert files back to older versions on the XB1 (PS4 can do it only if they keep a backup on USB which XB1 does not allow).


The team have fixed multiple triggers for the MD5 error with each patch and are continuing to work on the remaining triggers. Because of the nature of the bug some triggers are more difficult to fix than others and take more time, however the team are not giving up on this issue. Both myself and the team know this issue is very frustrating and disheartening for the players that are effected by this issue.


While not ideal, there is a workaround that may you may find useful. This is an unofficial workaround that involves deleting and resyncing data, so caution is advised. Please also note this workaround is time sensitive - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?69218-Possible-work-around-and-or-solution-to-md5-crashes(base-wipes-resets)


If you wish to seak a refund, you will need to do so from the vendor that sold you the game, I do not have access to player accounts, data or payment information.



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