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2500 zombi kill trophy not popping PS4.


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My 2500 zombi kill trophy kill is also not popping. I have close to 2700 kills and over 2600 in one world alone that I am the host of that is online invite only. Before this all the trophies popped as when I hit the requirements. I have never played on cheat mode and don't think its even an option in my game type on PS4. This has ruined my enjoyment with the game. I honestly cant see anything I did could have made the trophy not work and makes my think ill have issues with the other two trophies remaining and am no longer going for the plat unless this issue is solved. I have clocked around 100 hours into the game and this is disappointing.


If there is a fix other then just keep killing when I'm not even sure zombi kills are even counting I would like to know other wise I give up.

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Hi Kylevieira,


Thank you for reporting this. I am sorry this trophy is not popping for you and I completely understand how disheartening this can be.


Can you confirm for me if you have changed the language of your console at all recently?

Have you cleared the cache (shutting down and unplugging for 5 mins before rebooting) since the 2500 mark and tried to kill some more zombies?

What are the other two achievements you are missing?

I know with the last player who had this issue, their save was able to unlock the trophy in testing eventually but I understand this is not ideal. I can ping the team to see if they would be interested in seeing your save also as it may give a clue as to what could be causing this.



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I cleared my cash and got around 150 more kills and still no trophy. I have not changed my language on my system since the day I got it over 3 years ago. I am now at 2755 kills on one server alone and have gotten almost every trophy on the same server up until now. The only things I have changed with the rule sets are zombi spawn moved from normal to very high a few times. attached is a photo of my kill count on one server alone. file.jpg.bda1954ae444984ff5c392510fad4bbf.jpg


- - - Updated - - -


As for the other two trophies they are the 2500 player kill and the 1000 KM. I might be short of them but not sure how well my stats are tracking if the zombi kills are not counting properly.

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Hi Kylevieira,


I have sent a ping onto to the team about this as I mentioned above, but thank you for that screen shot, I will add that to the report for them. Thank you for also noting the setting that you did change, while this shouldn't effect your kill counter, it gives us a clue of something we can look at when testing.


For the other two achievements, I have not heard any reports of those not popping for players. There was a glitch where the player kill count was easy to get, but I believe that was fixed. From my memory of the original report (the one you posted in) on this, that player did not have issues with other achievements so hopefully the others are not glitched for you either.


One thing I forgot to ask, can you tell me what you used to get these kills? did it vary? was there one in particular that got most of the kills?


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I used mostly a bow and mixture of a few of guns. As for the other trophies I have yet to reach the player kill counts and distance travelled but was worried if for some reason my games counting metrics could have a problem the same as for the zombi kill count since there is no way to see the cumulative total. Hopefully its just this one trophy that is having problems for me and we find a way to fix the issue so i can get back on track.

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Thanks for letting me know what you used, I shall let the team know. I understand the concern about the counting metrics, I will make a note for the team to check these too just in case (they would likely do this anyway without me saying so)

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My 2500 zombi kill trophy kill is also not popping. ...


Hi there,


i have the same problem, at the moment i am at ~2700 Kills.

I used the Sniper, the Magnum, the Bow and for ~80% of the Kills the crossbow.

About one month ago my savegame was defekt, so i took the old savegame (4 weeks older) from the psn cloud and restartet with 1000 Zombies less on the counter.

The only thing i changed, is the respawn activity between NO and FULL. The game is a private online game.



So is my run for Platin over?

I spent about 200 Hours in the game - i love the game - but if this goal isn't reachable - after this zombie "executionrun", my motivitation isn't very big.


And last but not least,

sry 4 my zombie-english :02.47-tranquillity:

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Hi Horrormentalist,


I am sorry to hear this is also happening to you. Thank you for providing the details of your save, how many kills you have so far and the settings change. As you have both changed this setting within your game this could indeed be a factor to this not popping.


I understand the demotivation this not popping can cause for you. I will pass your information onto the team also so they can see patterns in the saves players are having issues on. Just to confirm, you are on PS4 too, yes?



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From what I remember, the trophy is cumulative, so it can build up over multiple saves, starting a new game wont necessarily cause the trophy to pop, but it would be interesting to see if killing more zombies in different save does make a difference for you.

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Would it be possible to get a copy of the save file that won't pop this achievement for you? the team would like to test it to see if they can see anything in it that would cause this.


To send us the file:


1) Turn on PS4

2) Insert an External USB Drive into one of the 2 USB ports on the front of the PS4.

3) In the main menu, go to “Settings”

4) Click on “Application Saved Data Management”

5) Select “Saved Data in System Storage”

6) Select "Copy to USB Storage Device"

7) Select 7 Days to Die

8) Select all files and press "Copy"

9) Wait until transfer is complete

10) Remove External Drive

11) Zip up all files copied to USB drive including ".bin" and "Profile" files

12) Upload the files to your Dropbox or other cloud file service

13) Email the download link to [email protected] with username so I can match it to this post

14) This email is unmanned, so please let me know if you've sent it so I can retrieve it for the team



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