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Hi Ryan666,


After one of the previous updates, the team did go back and adjust the lighting to match that of PC Alpha 15. The lighting should currently be working as intended. Please ensure you're running the lastest update, and if you like, you can send me on a screenshot of what you are describing so I can check if this is within the current normal range on console.


Kind regards,


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Hi Ryan666,


Sorry for the confusion, there was a hot-fix released after a patch 10 that adjusted the darkness levels ( https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?67970-HOTFIX-INBOUND-Patch-10-1 ). These should now match the PC A15 pc version of the game. At the moment there is no plan to adjust further. If there are any further adjustments to the lighting on the PC and the code is sent to the team for porting to Console then it may change again in a future update.


However if you think your game is darker than others or there is an issue, please feel free to send a screen shot or video and I can check if it is within the current limits, or if there is an issue there.



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Ok , I’ll send you screen shot later , and also I wanted to say , even when all lamps are turned on they only illuminate areas that beneath them , all other area around is dark , the light not expanding further as it has to be in reality, and one more question , can you please tell me how do I send screenshot to you ? Thanks!

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The range of the lights are working as intended but can only throw light a small distance. This is working as intended.


For the screenshot, as Un-Beatable mentioned, the easiest way is to host them somewhere and link me to them. You may need to send them to yourself or download via a USB if you are on Playstation in order to transfer them to a computer for uploading. I don't think the Playstation has a service like OneDrive that you can upload directly to and share them.



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https://mega.nz/#F!JK5DVDIA!WEWBsUqsX8d_ARxQ-KII3A So here is a link as I promised , as you can see the light shines only where the light itself , but all other area around is a pitch black,you can also see we did set a lot of lights but result is the same , the light just don’t expand on the walls and near zones, I also pinned my gamma settings , if I move the scale to the right it’s too bright in the night , if left, too dark days and night even darker , I can’t reach a proper gamma don’t know why, thank you !
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Hi Ryan666,


Thank you for all those screen grabs, including the one of where your Gamma is set to, I'll ask the team to have a look at these and see if the issue is finding the sweet spot or is there something else amiss here. The contrast between light and dark does look a bit harsh. Is this the same with all lighting types?



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I like your room where your minibikes are. It is darker than it should be, at least my house is brighter. Unfortunately I can't show you my house. BUT the light in the middle where your minibikes are is bad. Putting two lights on the same spot is also useless. But I think we can fix this. Make five or seven small lights, not the long ones you use and place them on the wall in your garage, 1 block above or on the same height as your head. Three on the left, three on the right and one on the front wall. Would be nice to see the result.

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Thank you for your response! Yeah same thing with all lights.My friend , who I play with has the same issues as well.


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Thanks mate, but we already tried everything we could , but result still the same :(

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Believe me friend , we already tried everything and nothing have changed, we did put lights in garage like that because it’s more esthetic, why would we put lights around whole place , it’s just not logical , I remember I was playing PC version and one light for one middle size room was more than enough , I think in console version should be the same thing .

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I won't believe you. Something came in my mind I think I believe you now. I used wooden frames in my house I upgraded them two times. That means the blocks had a bright colour but when I upgraded them a third time the block had a dark colour and the room went darker. Craft a headlight...

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Interesting observation Un-Beatable


What are your walls made out of Ryan666?


The team member I spoke to agrees that your light does seem unusually dark, but they also mentioned what the others have said, an electric light will only throw light to the 4-ish squares below it. The light fall area is smaller on Console than it is on PC as larger illuminated areas caused lag. Clustering them would throw light to the same squares below rather than increasing the brightness of the room - though I do understand the logic behind doing so.


I will continue to have the team look into this on my end.


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The walls made of rebar Frames and concrete , yes , I do remember as I said when I was playing PC version , the light spread much natural and realistic, I know guys you do a lot of work , but is there any way to fix this and make it exactly like PC version at least on the next update ?


- - - Updated - - -


Ok I’ll try this thanks !

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Because the light spread caused a lot of lag and in some cases crashes I'm not sure if the team will be swapping this back to PC scale anytime soon. However with improvements this may be possible in the future. I really cannot say.



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  • 1 month later...

I was reading this when I remembered a post about too many lights(switched) 10+, torches, in 1 place may be the cause of md5, if it's too dark, we'll put in more lights, it's the nature of the beast. Expand the area of illumination, so we need less fixtures/torches around the area/bases as a shot in the dark wastes ammo

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Unfortunately the areas of illumination where reduced in comparison to the PC version because it caused a lot of lag build up with only a handful of lights which could result in crashing really quickly in game, in some cases not allowing players to get back into their save. From what I remember the change in spread was modified rather quickly by the team to reduce this. Due to the limitations of console vs PC, this spread likely won't be brought back to PC levels, if it is it would require a fair bit of optimization beforehand.


The lights themselves do not trigger MD5s, they can however cause a build up in lag which may or may not be a contributing factor to crashes players experience. I usually mention it in trouble shooting and when suggesting things that might assist in reducing crashes but only a small number of players have mentioned lights actually being a factor for them. The lights issue is also more commonly reported on PS4.

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