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Crater Creator

Crater Creator

added A3 Gatekeeping, clarified C6 Spam & C7 Off Topic/Derailment

Prohibited Content


The following types of content are prohibited across the forums. This includes posts, images, user names, avatars, profile information, and edit comments. Using external links to circumvent these restrictions is also prohibited.


Prohibited content is subject to moderator action (see above).


If you see a rule violation in another user’s post, please report it (see above).


A) Misbehavior


1.    Flaming
Insults, personal attacks, name calling, accusations, abuse, or retaliation.
Derogatory slurs against a person's race, religion, sex, age, nationality, etc.
If you are flamed, don't respond. Report it!


2.    Filth
Unreasonably profane, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, or adult themed content.
These forums are meant to be 'safe for work,' even if the game itself is not. Some ‘filthy’ words are automatically filtered out and replaced with symbols. Bypassing this filter through creative spelling is prohibited.


3.    Gatekeeping
Trying to bully, harass, or intimidate other user(s) into limiting their participation on the forum.
We want users to feel welcome to express their (sometimes unpopular) opinions. You can voice your disagreement with someone, but telling them to shut up or go away is antithetical to the purpose of having a forum for discussion


4.    Trolling

Intentionally posting to disrupt, evoke negative reactions, or spread misinformation. Provoking others into arguments for the sake of starting a flame war (including as a response to someone else breaking the rules).


5.    Impersonating

Acting as a developer, moderator, administrator, or other user.


6.    Begging

Asking for the game, game merchandise, participation by other users on or off the forum, or anything else.


B) Off Limit Topics


1.    Piracy
Discussion of software piracy, including links to illegal downloads of games and methods to circumvent copy protection.


2.    Bypassing
Using other threads or alternate accounts to circumvent a closed thread, banned account, or other moderator action.


3.    Goodbye Posts
Announcing that you are leaving a discussion, the community, or the game out of dissatisfaction.
People come and go on the forums and start and stop playing the game for a variety of reasons. Users can determine your presence or absence simply based on your activity.


4.    Cheats & Exploits
Discussing the details of cheats or exploits, or third party tools or sites that facilitate cheating or exploits, in public posts.
Due to the negative impact cheats and exploits have on the game and community when widely disseminated, any cheats, exploits, or things you’re not sure about should be reported to a moderator via private message.


5.    Politics & Religion

These topics are off limits in all contexts.


C) Bad Netiquette


1.    Duplicate Threads
Making a new thread about a topic when there’s already an active thread on that topic to use instead.


2.    Bumping
Short posts made so that a thread appears more active, without adding anything of substance.


3.    Necroposting
Replying to old threads with outdated information.
As a rule of thumb, any thread started during a previous Alpha is too old. Start a new thread instead (this won’t count as bypassing).


4.    Annoying Text

Posting in textspeak, all caps, invisible fonts, or other hard-to-read writing styles.


5.    Flooding
Essentially redundant content posted more than once.
Intentionally off-topic or nonsense content.
Multiple short posts in a row.
If you think of something more to add, edit your existing post.


6.    Spam
You may only advertise (e.g. post external links) if the content directly addresses another user’s request or issue. Exceptions are made for:

  • Servers & Community, where you may post links to 7 Days to Die servers and server providers.
  • Channels, where you may post links to video channels that focus on the game (recorded and live-streaming).
  • Images and Videos, where you may post links to one-off videos and screenshots of the game.
  • Game Modification, where you may post links to your mods and other content related to modding 7 Days to Die.

Anything else is considered spam.


7.    Off Topic/Derailment
Digressing from a thread or forum section’s established topic, such as by questioning a user’s choices or views outside the game.

Discussion in another user’s thread about the media itself (for instance, asking people to ‘like’ a video).

New accounts, especially, may be promptly banned as spammers if they start with content unrelated to 7 Days to Die.


D) We Don't Want to Hear It


1.    Discussion of Moderation Actions
Publicly visible responses to or discussion of forum moderation.
Instead, send a private message directly to the moderator(s). On Steam, you may use the comment section that’s provided with every warning and ban.


2.    Release Date Harassment
Repeated requests for information on the timing or content of future changes to the game (including via private messages).
The Fun Pimps want the community to be excited for future updates, but they also want discussion regarding updates to be civil and respectful. The team makes their best effort to document the latest revealed information in the developer thread for the next coming update, in the News & Announcements section.


3.    Doom & Gloom
Predictions of failure regarding the future status of The Fun Pimps and their games.
Accusations of any developer lying to the community or planning to abandon the game.
Such commentary is unwelcome. It is demoralizing to the community, potentially libelous, and not a constructive form of feedback.


4.    Meta-Forum Commentary
Bringing up that you are blocking a particular user, reporting a post, unsubscribing from a particular thread, or posting in general about your (or any user’s) specific past, present, or future use of the forum software.
Using the forum features as provocation, leverage, or talking points.
It's not relevant in a discussion, and it's not the concern of other users.


5.    Naming & Shaming

Content that advances damage to a person or server’s reputation in the community, for instance by alleging griefing, cheating, admin abuse, server bans, or other offenses.

Allegations like these aren’t fair unless proven true, but the staff are unable to investigate what did or didn’t happen outside the forum.


6.    Backseat Copyediting

Unsolicited objections or corrections to a user’s writing (language, spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphs, etc.).

Players of all languages and backgrounds can use the forum. If you can’t understand a non-English post, you may use translation software. Users posting in poor English or non-English may be ignored, but not harangued.

Crater Creator

Crater Creator

added A3 Gatekeeping, clarified C6 Spam

Prohibited Content


The following types of content are prohibited across the forums. This includes posts, images, user names, avatars, profile information, and edit comments. Using external links to circumvent these restrictions is also prohibited.


Prohibited content is subject to moderator action (see above).


If you see a rule violation in another user’s post, please report it (see above).


A) Misbehavior


1.    Flaming
Insults, personal attacks, name calling, accusations, harassment, abuse, intimidation, or retaliation.
Derogatory slurs against a person's race, religion, sex, age, nationality, etc.
If you are flamed, don't respond. Report it!


2.    Filth
Unreasonably profane, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, or adult themed content.
These forums are meant to be 'safe for work,' even if the game itself is not. Some ‘filthy’ words are automatically filtered out and replaced with symbols. Bypassing this filter through creative spelling is prohibited.


3.    Gatekeeping
Trying to bully, harass, or intimidate other user(s) into limiting their participation on the forum.
We want users to feel welcome to express their (sometimes unpopular) opinions. You can voice your disagreement with someone, but telling them to shut up or go away is antithetical to the purpose of having a forum for discussion


4.    Trolling

Intentionally posting to disrupt, evoke negative reactions, or spread misinformation. Provoking others into arguments for the sake of starting a flame war (including as a response to someone else breaking the rules).


5.    Impersonating

Acting as a developer, moderator, administrator, or other user.


6.    Begging

Asking for the game, game merchandise, participation by other users on or off the forum, or anything else.


B) Off Limit Topics


1.    Piracy
Discussion of software piracy, including links to illegal downloads of games and methods to circumvent copy protection.


2.    Bypassing
Using other threads or alternate accounts to circumvent a closed thread, banned account, or other moderator action.


3.    Goodbye Posts
Announcing that you are leaving a discussion, the community, or the game out of dissatisfaction.
People come and go on the forums and start and stop playing the game for a variety of reasons. Users can determine your presence or absence simply based on your activity.


4.    Cheats & Exploits
Discussing the details of cheats or exploits, or third party tools or sites that facilitate cheating or exploits, in public posts.
Due to the negative impact cheats and exploits have on the game and community when widely disseminated, any cheats, exploits, or things you’re not sure about should be reported to a moderator via private message.


5.    Politics & Religion

These topics are off limits in all contexts.


C) Bad Netiquette


1.    Duplicate Threads
Making a new thread about a topic when there’s already an active thread on that topic to use instead.


2.    Bumping
Short posts made so that a thread appears more active, without adding anything of substance.


3.    Necroposting
Replying to old threads with outdated information.
As a rule of thumb, any thread started during a previous Alpha is too old. Start a new thread instead (this won’t count as bypassing).


4.    Annoying Text

Posting in textspeak, all caps, invisible fonts, or other hard-to-read writing styles.


5.    Flooding
Essentially redundant content posted more than once.
Intentionally off-topic or nonsense content.
Multiple short posts in a row.
If you think of something more to add, edit your existing post.


6.    Spam
External links or other forms of advertisement. The only allowances are:

  • In the Servers & Community section, you may post links to 7 Days to Die servers and server providers.
  • In the Channels section, you may post links to video channels that focus on the game (recorded and live-streaming).
  • In the Images and Videos section, you may post links to one-off videos and screenshots of the game.
  • In the Mods section, you may post links to your mods and related content.
  • You may post external links if the content directly addresses another user’s request or issue.

Anything else is considered spam.


3.    Off Topic/Derailment
Digressing from a thread or forum section’s established topic, such as by questioning a user’s choices or views outside the game when they’re seeking help.

Discussion in another user’s thread about the media itself (for instance, asking people to ‘like’ a video).

In particular, new accounts may be flagged as spammers and banned if they start with content unrelated to 7 Days to Die.


D) We Don't Want to Hear It


1.    Discussion of Moderation Actions
Publicly visible responses to or discussion of forum moderation.
Instead, send a private message directly to the moderator(s). On Steam, you may use the comment section that’s provided with every warning and ban.


2.    Release Date Harassment
Repeated requests for information on the timing or content of future changes to the game (including via private messages).
The Fun Pimps want the community to be excited for future updates, but they also want discussion regarding updates to be civil and respectful. The team makes their best effort to document the latest revealed information in the developer thread for the next coming update, in the News & Announcements section.


3.    Doom & Gloom
Predictions of failure regarding the future status of The Fun Pimps and their games.
Accusations of any developer lying to the community or planning to abandon the game.
Such commentary is unwelcome. It is demoralizing to the community, potentially libelous, and not a constructive form of feedback.


4.    Meta-Forum Commentary
Bringing up that you are blocking a particular user, reporting a post, unsubscribing from a particular thread, or posting in general about your (or any user’s) specific past, present, or future use of the forum software.
Using the forum features as provocation, leverage, or talking points.
It's not relevant in a discussion, and it's not the concern of other users.


5.    Naming & Shaming

Content that advances damage to a person or server’s reputation in the community, for instance by alleging griefing, cheating, admin abuse, server bans, or other offenses.

Allegations like these aren’t fair unless proven true, but the staff are unable to investigate what did or didn’t happen outside the forum.


6.    Backseat Copyediting

Unsolicited objections or corrections to a user’s writing (language, spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphs, etc.).

Players of all languages and backgrounds can use the forum. If you can’t understand a non-English post, you may use translation software. Users posting in poor English or non-English may be ignored, but not harangued.

Crater Creator

Crater Creator

Prohibited Content


The following types of content are prohibited across the forums. This includes posts, images, user names, avatars, profile information, and edit comments. Using external links to circumvent these restrictions is also prohibited.


Prohibited content is subject to moderator action (see above).


If you see a rule violation in another user’s post, please report it (see above).


A) Misbehavior


1.    Flaming
Insults, personal attacks, name calling, accusations, harassment, abuse, intimidation, or retaliation.
Derogatory slurs against a person's race, religion, sex, age, nationality, etc.
If you are flamed, don't respond. Report it!


2.    Filth
Unreasonably profane, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, or adult themed content.
These forums are meant to be 'safe for work,' even if the game itself is not. Some ‘filthy’ words are automatically filtered out and replaced with symbols. Bypassing this filter through creative spelling is prohibited.


3.    Off Topic/Derailment
Digressing from a thread or forum section’s established topic, such as by questioning a user’s choices or views outside the game when they’re seeking help.

In particular, new accounts may be flagged as spammers and banned if they start with content unrelated to 7 Days to Die.


4.    Trolling

Intentionally posting to disrupt, evoke negative reactions, or spread misinformation. Provoking others into arguments for the sake of starting a flame war (including as a response to someone else breaking the rules).


5.    Impersonating

Acting as a developer, moderator, administrator, or other user.


6.    Begging

Asking for the game, game merchandise, participation by other users on or off the forum, or anything else.


B) Off Limit Topics


1.    Piracy
Discussion of software piracy, including links to illegal downloads of games and methods to circumvent copy protection.


2.    Bypassing
Using other threads or alternate accounts to circumvent a closed thread, banned account, or other moderator action.


3.    Goodbye Posts
Announcing that you are leaving a discussion, the community, or the game out of dissatisfaction.
People come and go on the forums and start and stop playing the game for a variety of reasons. Users can determine your presence or absence simply based on your activity.


4.    Cheats & Exploits
Discussing the details of cheats or exploits, or third party tools or sites that facilitate cheating or exploits, in public posts.
Due to the negative impact cheats and exploits have on the game and community when widely disseminated, any cheats, exploits, or things you’re not sure about should be reported to a moderator via private message.


5.    Politics & Religion

These topics are off limits in all contexts.


C) Bad Netiquette


1.    Duplicate Threads
Making a new thread about a topic when there’s already an active thread on that topic to use instead.


2.    Bumping
Short posts made so that a thread appears more active, without adding anything of substance.


3.    Necroposting
Replying to old threads with outdated information.
As a rule of thumb, any thread started during a previous Alpha is too old. Start a new thread instead (this won’t count as bypassing).


4.    Flooding
Essentially redundant content posted more than once.
Intentionally off-topic or nonsense content.
Multiple short posts in a row.
If you think of something more to add, edit your existing post.


5.    Annoying Text

Posting in textspeak, all caps, invisible fonts, or other hard-to-read writing styles.


6.    Spam
Unauthorized advertisements or links to advertisements.


D) We Don't Want to Hear It


1.    Discussion of Moderation Actions
Publicly visible responses to or discussion of forum moderation.
Instead, send a private message directly to the moderator(s). On Steam, you may use the comment section that’s provided with every warning and ban.


2.    Release Date Harassment
Repeated requests for information on the timing or content of future changes to the game (including via private messages).
The Fun Pimps want the community to be excited for future updates, but they also want discussion regarding updates to be civil and respectful. The team makes their best effort to document the latest revealed information in the developer thread for the next coming update, in the News & Announcements section.


3.    Doom & Gloom
Predictions of failure regarding the future status of The Fun Pimps and their games.
Accusations of any developer lying to the community or planning to abandon the game.
Such commentary is unwelcome. It is demoralizing to the community, potentially libelous, and not a constructive form of feedback.


4.    Meta-Forum Commentary
Bringing up that you are blocking a particular user, reporting a post, unsubscribing from a particular thread, or posting in general about your (or any user’s) specific past, present, or future use of the forum software.
Using the forum features as provocation, leverage, or talking points.
It's not relevant in a discussion, and it's not the concern of other users.


5.    Naming & Shaming

Content that advances damage to a person or server’s reputation in the community, for instance by alleging griefing, cheating, admin abuse, server bans, or other offenses.

Allegations like these aren’t fair unless proven true, but the staff are unable to investigate what did or didn’t happen outside the forum.


6.    Backseat Copyediting

Unsolicited objections or corrections to a user’s writing (language, spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphs, etc.).

Players of all languages and backgrounds can use the forum. If you can’t understand a non-English post, you may use translation software. Users posting in poor English or non-English may be ignored, but not harangued.

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