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Third base/storage reset on the same XBOX ONE game.


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The first two resets occurred on one side of a bridge on days 35 and 50. The third occurred on day 190 in a log cabin. They all happened after the game had crashed, affected only the chunk the player was standing in, and happened while the player was looking into a chest and managing inventory. All three crashes/resets resulted in the erasure of storage chests, forges, cabinets full of items, bedrolls, etc. The crashes seem to have happened because there were multiple inventories in a small area, each of them containing a lot of items/data. It may be that the chunks are overloaded and are triggered to reset by the player looking into inventories and moving items around.

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Thank you for taking the time to share the details of your MD5 errors. I am sorry that the errors have taken your storage each time. While it can happen anywhere, there seems to be a common thread of crafting stations and storage being the focal point of the MD5 errors. I will pass these details onto the team along with your suggestion as to what could be causing this reset.


Just to confirm, was this a multiplayer or single player game? If multiplayer was it the host or a client in the area?


Thank you again,


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Thank you for the reply, Clare;


These crashes/resets happened in a split-screen game. They were triggered by each player at least once (i.e. player 1 walking or riding a motorbike while player 2 was managing inventory, and vice versa). Game crashes are more frequent than base resets and usually have the same precursory warning signs, including lagging, the walls of buildings vanishing, and inventory screen icons blinking in and out.

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thank you for clarifying that information, I had not heard of walls vanishing as a trigger for the crashes before. I shall pass this info onto the team. In the mean time, in case you have not seen it, some players found a way to workaround the resets on XB1 - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?69218-Possible-work-around-and-or-solution-to-md5-crashes(base-wipes-resets) - this is an unofficial workaround and as it involves deleting saves and re syncing, caution is advised.



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