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Server issues


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I can’t seem to join my friend but my friend can join me for only 2 minutes then she is kicked out. We both can’t join multiplayer at all never been able to and we don’t have this problem on any other game. Also I have noticed parts of the map is disappearing and if I was keep walking the game crashes or respawns me back afew steps. I have tired loads of things to try an fix it but nothin works.

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Hi Cat0091,


From the info you provided via PM it is tricky to tell what could be causing this. While I understand you are unable to get the internet speeds, and are able to install or download items via the store and play other games, all of these, including other games, have different demands on the system, which is why even if players are able to download or play other games, we still ask for internet speeds. One of the easiest ways to get the internet speeds is via speedtest.net or a similar site. If the issue is not being able to get the speeds while playing the game, speeds without can give a good ball park too.


Would it be possible to also get the internet details for your friend? and while you say you both can't join multiplayer at all can you confirm if this is only with each other, or have you tried random games online too?


As I mentioned in my original PM, the area not loading could be a separate issue, does this occur as a client or as a host? If is a client it is likely the world struggling to load in a game. If it happens in your own games or private games, it could be a seperate issue. If so, please describe what occurs in detail - any screen grabs are much appreciated to help us get a sense of the gap that is being created.


The game spawning you back a few steps can occur when the game crashes as the game loads a backup of the save (there is a save every 30 seconds or so)


I mentioned it in the PM also, but had you seen this post? https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?48737-Known-Issue-Multiplayer-Disconnection what kind of workarounds have you tried so far? Also have you tried broadcasting the wifi from another device or connection via a mobile connection? this can help narrow down if it a particular connection, or if it is a more general issue. Similarly bringing a console to another connection, though not ideal, can help test this. A number of players have found broadcasting wifi so they're not connection directly to their router can help them connect to games.


Kind regards,


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Ok so i did the download and upload speed... and my download speed is 36.9 and my upload speed is 8.80 i also play private in my own lobby as i cant join any one else.


so whats this mean now??? i looked up my download and upload and everything should be fine?

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Right now im annoyed. Turns out the problem isnt me. its your servers.


I have spoke to my internet company everything is fine and should run the game... and i have spoke to microsoft and my xbox is fine. they have both told me its not me or my xbox or my internet. that i have to get in touch with the developer regarding the servers.


Its a joke.

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Hi cat0091,


Thank you for checking your speeds, they are above the recommended limits that the team has advised me of (if these are in Mbps). This is not always the case for players, which is why I check, and I appreciate you doing so.


I am sorry if it sounded like I was placing blame, that was not my intention. As I mentioned in my original PM to you, there is an issue with XB1 connections that the team are actively investigating. I ask players for details to rule out other causes and to help identify the issue. When I say issue with XB1 connections, I mean 7DTD players on XB1 connecting to other players, not your XB1 hardware. The original fix the team released for this issue fixed the connection problem for about 50% of players, after that fix was released it became apparent that there was another underlying issue that was causing connection trouble for players, this issue is the one the team are working on.


Through information I gathered for the team it appears there is a blocker between the game and the connection to other players. It is difficult to pinpoint what exactly is causing this, but from players using by-passes like I mentioned in my last post and others having changed hardware etc, it appears in a lot of cases there is something in some hardware that it is hitting off (like a firewall). The console team do not host servers, players are connecting to each other to play the game and the creator of the game acts as the host server. Because there are so many variations of internet setups across the player base, and different workarounds work for different people, it is difficult to find the root cause of the issue.


We would never expect players to need to open a port or change their hardware to play the game and the team know this issue effects a number of players. Even with the difficulty in finding a source of the issue, the team have not given up and continue to work on this and investigate the information I pass onto them from the players that are effected by the connection issues.


I understand how frustrating this issue can be, and again I am sorry if my responses sounded I was trying to displace the issue. I do my best to identify if this is indeed the connection issue that has been reported and that no outside factors are in play. I then work to see if any of the troubleshooting options available work for the player - I know most of these are not ideal but I try to help players play when I can.


If you have any further questions I will do my best to answer them.


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