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{XBOX} Can't loot


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When I load into an online game with friends, after a few seconds in game, something glitches and I can't open boxes or search items. I can open doors though. The sound from my player also disappears, no footsteps or sounds of doors when I open them. Yet I can hear other people. Every saved private game I load into with friends does this. Different game hosts and settings and each game I'm the only one to experience this issue. I have even uninstalled the game completely and reinstalled, no change. The gameplay itself after a few seconds gets slightly, but noticeably laggy.


This problem doesn't exist in any saved offline games I have.

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Hi Peevs83,


It sounds like you are desyncing from your connection to your host. Please give me as much information as possible about your internet connection, and your hosts if you can, using the following list:


Host or Client:

Upload Speeds (while playing the game):

Download Speeds (While playing the game):

NAT type:

Wired or Wireless connection:

Internet Service Provider (ISP):

Router connected to console:

How many console connected to same router:


Thank you,


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I don't have a PC so getting speeds may not be accurate as I'd be testing via cellphone.

Nat is open

ISP is bell

Wireless console connection

Mine is the only console connected


As a side note, this problem only happened recently. Many hours logged without an issue.

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Hi Peevs83,


Even via cellphone that should give me an indication of your internet speeds if you use something like speedtest.net :)


Have you tried a wired connection to see if it makes a difference? I know this is not always practical for players, but it may be able to indicate if there's a drop in wifi signal.


Has anything changed recently that could have disrupted or changed the signal? eg: hardware change, XB1 moved to other side of house, moved home, changing ISP or plan?


Are you still able to connect to random games or games started by players other than your main host or is it the same for every host you've tried?



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  • 2 weeks later...



Nothing has changed. I've tried hosting and my gameplay is ok, a bit laggy at times. But no one can connect to me. I've recently opened my Nat type to better connect in other games but this problem occurred before that.


Any other game I play I have no problems with.


I miss playing this game


- - - Updated - - -


Unfortunately a wired connection isn't practical at this time

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Hi Peevs83,


I am sorry that you are still having issues with your connection. It recently became apparent to me that while I call NAT type 1 Open, NAT type 2 is also considered open by some sources. Can you confirm which type you are or if it only states "Open"?


However, as you mentioned your Nat type was changed after this issue started to occur but nothing changed, it is likely not a factor. You mentioned you can host, is the person who is trying to join your connection the same person who hosts the game where you cannot open the chests or does this apply to everyone in your group of friends? How many players are in the sessions when you cannot interact with objects?


Would it be possible to test broadcasting your wifi through another device? For example the connection would go...


Wifi/Router > Cellphone / Laptop / Tablet > XB1


So you are connection through another device rather than direct to the router.


You also mentioned this only happened recently, would this have started occurring after the last update or before it?



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My Nat type only data open


The person that was trying to connect was different from the people who hosted.


I'm sure I could go through another device for wifi but not sure how to do it.


The update thing is interesting. I'm not sure when the last one was.

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Hi Peevs83,


The last update was in December, your game should show a in the bottom corner of the main menu if it is up to date. If not, you may need to check for updates in the system. Can you confirm for me that's the version you are your friends are running?


If you are up to date, can you remember if this started happening around the end of December?


For the broadcast, it depends on the device, some devices don't do it, so you may need to look up the particular device you are using and if it is possible.



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This started occuring not long before my original post here, so roughly a month ago. So I don't THINK it's the update. I will check my version and if any updates are possible when I get home.


I'll look into broadcast options


Are we certain this is a connection issue and not software? Why is it all my other games are working fine if it's connection?

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Hi Peevs83,


Thank you for checking those, I'll keep an eye for your update on them.


There is a connection issue with the XB1 version of the game where players are unable to connect. This started a short while after the release of the game. The team issued a fix, and it did fix the issue for 50% of players. It then became apparent there was another issue that was being overshadowed and some players still could not connect.


Because of the amount of varying factors between player setups, it is very hard to pinpoint what is causing the issue. The team have not given up and are still looking into solutions for this. However, from the information I have gathered for them, some common threads seen to have appeared with certain systems. The BT Home Hub 5 router in the UK for example, was one of the common threads. However, we do not expect players would ever need to open ports or change hardware in order to play the game, but until we find what is causing the game to lose connections or not connect all together a lot of the workarounds involve tweeking various factors, like how the internet connection is being made to help players play.


All games have their multiplayer connections set up differently so it can sometimes be the case that multiplayer would play better on some that others when it comes to the players unique setup. I am not saying however, that this is within normal range for 7DTD, we are aware there is an issue here and are working on fixing it.


I hope that helps answer your question, if you have any others I will do my best to answer.


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Great response, thanks!

UPDATE:I have recently purchased and set up a powerline network and have hard wired my Xbox to the router via house electrical wires. I have tripled DL speeds. All games running smooth. I connected to one friends game and working great for about 20 minutes. After that, parts of the map wouldn't load and if I went into these parts, it would kind of loop me back to where I was before entering the unloaded part.


Opened Nat type again. Same issues with searching boxes and such regardless of hosting or client. Uninstall and reinstall, same issues. Even when creating new games.

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Hi Peevs83,


If the area is not loading for you, it sounds like you are desyncing from the host as your console would be looking to download that information from their save to expand the world. Do they expirence voids in the games themselves at all? Would it be possible to get your friends connection details also?


Before when this would happen, a player could fall through the world or get stuck in the void. The game putting you back to where you were is something the team put in to prevent this from happening if a player did come across a void.



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