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Bigger storage capazities


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I demand unlimited stacksizes for storage chests, gunsaves, ect. or the size of the gunsaves as it was in 8.8 (or later). 7d2D is a combination of ego-shooter and building. When I am preparing to build a large strukture, I usual store about 25 Stacks stone, gravel, wood, concrete, sand and spezial material each, besides the usual stuff (esp. jaws). For normal I store my stuff in several gunsaves. Now the storage capazity of gunsaves is reduces from 60 to 40 resulting in a lack of storage capazities. Of course I could build 25 storage chests with 36 places each - they are very cheap -, but it is a mess. You cannot possibly keep track where you put which stuff in. There is no fun in searching your chests again and again. Of course I could (and do) overstack same objekts in the fireplace. But there was another bug that resets all stacks to their original stack-limit and lost a few things. So in the case you raise the stacklimit in storages, remove the bug that resets the stack to its stacklimit if you "shift-klick" or loot everething ("r") while there is no room in your backpack. thx for reading
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I agree that we need more storage, but I certainly don't agree that we can't keep everything organized in containers. I do it rather well in all of my games. I'd prefer the ability to make a sign or something else that would help indicate what's in the box but I do really well at remembering from game to game.
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[QUOTE=Raithen;136301]You lost my vote at "I demand", then I read the rest and I disagree with the whole thing. Big projects are meant to be big effort.[/QUOTE] Kinda had the same reaction. One thing that would be nice though is the ability to pick up an empty chest (as long as it's not locked) so you can make temporary dumps of stuff then move as needed. I like that chests can take a beating but damn if it isn't annoying when you want to clean up afterwards.
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