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Random Gen World Previewer Controls?


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Hello boys and grills :D


Any1 knows are there any hidden controls in the previewer?

I can only move the map (zoom) with mouse HOLD&DRAG.

Didn't find anything on the keyboard.


It's kinda slow and not really good for moving place to place.

Tips ? Ideas?

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If you hold down the right mouse button while you're moving around, you can use WASD to move as if in a first person mode. That gives you forward, backward, pan left, pan right, and mouse look.


The main issue with that set-up is that moving the mouse left and right rotates you around the true vertical axis rather than around your local 'up' axis. This is sensible when you're looking mostly horizontal (i.e. flying over the terrain), but when you're looking almost vertically down it makes the ground spin horribly.


And, of course, by default you start looking almost vertically down.

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  • 1 year later...

If you "swing" the map around using your right mouse button then try to drag with your mouse you will notice you only get the left/right motion as if the map were still on the traditional north,south, east and west orientation.

BUT! If you "swing" the map around any degree then use the the left/right buttons on the W,A,S and D which is the A and D buttons you can suddenly move the map left and right without the map moving left and right in accordance to its "natural" north, south, east and west orientation. IN THIS way, you can view any place on the map.

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