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Private Match Game Save Corruption


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Clare- I was legitimately keeping this topic alive. I just wanted to keep it alive as there has been no reports of progress. This issue has broken the game for me/family/friends as a multi-player game. I guess I will just wait until I see an update for the game on the Xbox and then hope that this bug wasn't forgotten.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Raymond,


Please note as per comment above, Bumping is against forum rules. Please do not bump older threads. Any updates on fixes if there are any on the way will be posted in the news and announcements section. If you wish to share your experiences with the issue as all information can help the team, please create a new thread with that information. There are also more recent threads created on this issue.


I also updated the information post on this bug with the workaround from Ignoringmywife1 that seems to work for some players - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?57136-Known-Issue-Player-Reset-Wipe-and-Bugged-Inventory (it's in orange at the top of this page) - I will also post any updates on fixes in this thread so so that's the best place to keep an eye out for information.



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Chakan13 - I understand your intentions, but I'm afraid those are the forum rules. The team are aware of this issue and are working on it, I also let them know when there are new cases reported and any new information players give me. I can not give an estimate on when this issue will be fixed, but it is not being forgotten, some bugs unfortunately take more time than others to fix. Both myself and the team also understand how frustrating this is for players to lose progress like this and I will keep players updated in the thread linked above with any info the team passes to be about this bug.

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Me and a couple of friends tried the game again, and the bug still persists. We tried each of us being the host, we didn’t customize anything on one of those games and the bug still happened.

I read the thread in the link you posted, and again realize how difficult these bugs can be... But the fact that it’s been happening to people for years is really disappointing. Love the game, love the idea, and I’m sure there are larger issues at play, but y’all gotta get on this or people will he turned off the game for good. I appreciate the work that’s been done, and really really hope that the consoles get a bit of focus and this bug is fixed for good. Thanks Clare, keep up the good work!

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Hi Jerm,


Thank you for your update and understanding. The console team are separate to PC, so console is their only focus. I will of course pass all feedback back to the console team to help stress how much of an issue this is for players and continue to highlight how disruptive to gameplay this bug is on behalf of the players.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Clare,


I know you are doing all you can, but is there a place where people can make a formal complaint, maybe to generate more pressure to get this resolved? Or are these forums and Reddit all that there is?

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As per my role description (which you can check out here - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?61911-04-21-Title-Change-and-Clare-ification -if you like) I am the point of contact between the community and the Console team for 7DTD.


I completely understand your wanting to "generate more pressure" as Jerm put it, but I do pass on information to the team via reports, and continue to update those reports with information from the community to highlight severity of the issues, the communities input, and any information updates/observations that players have.


Because support is run from here, any email that you do get back from IGS or TTG Publishing will quiet possibly redirect you here. I do not have any contact with their support teams so I do not know what the lead time for responses are or how they handle queries directly.


Facebook and Twitter is run by TFP, I just post there when there's a console update, again, that'll redirect you back here if you get a response, but as far as I know, no one in TFP really mans those channels because they have the forums for communication and issue reporting.


Reddit is a fan subreddit, while myself and I think at least one member of TFP are in the Mods but it is mainly run by fans, for fans. As with FB and twitter I only post when there's an update. There is a Discord too run by the same group.


As I said, I understand when you are both coming from and how frustrating the limit of information or feedback from other sources outside of the forums can feel. But I am updating regularly on behalf of the community and do my best to make this as two way a street as I possibly can between the team and everyone on the forums.


Kind regards,


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Thanks for that information! Again I think you do an awesome job, you’ve been posting this thread for awhile now and I think all of realize that it’s not your job to fix the game, but to update the community and try to keep things civilized! Which we thank you for, I’m sure it’s not easy.

In the meantime I’ll just be anticipating this bug fix, I trust you guys will get it done seeing as it is such a big deal, I just hope it’s sooner rather than later! Haha.

Thanks again for all your help Clare, you do a great job!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jerm,


Unfortunately the team have been very tight lipped about the next update and the progress they have made so far or what it will contain. Though I am looking into getting an update from them for the community I do not know how soon that will be or how much information will be given.

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PS4 multiplayer character reset


Hi Claire. I know you don't know the date for the update but can you confirm that it will fix the issue of resetting characters in multiplayer for PS4? Love the game but we bought it to play multiplayer and the reset after 3 or 4 days makes that a complete waste of time. Thank you.

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Hi Mike_Diesel,


I'm afraid the only time anything can be confirmed is when the team release info, which is released in team messages in the Console News and Announcements section. I can continue to ask about this particular issue, but until they send me anything to release I can't confirm, or even deny, anything.



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  • 1 month later...

I may have missed the update if it was released already, I try to come by this thread every month to see if the problem has been fixed. Did the update address the player 2 deletion? Just wondering if the issue is still on the team's radar. Would love to pick the game back up before Fallout 76.

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  • 6 months later...


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