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I bought my 13700K before the whole thing got public. I planned on AMD but i got the 13700K  for 80€ less than normal. In hindsight i wish i would have spent that 80€ more for AMD. Well actually more because the AMD mobos cost more, still would have gone AMD if i would have known about the Intel problem. 


@SylenThunder For the same price of a 4070TI you can get a 7900XT. At least here. And doesn´t AMD have FSR wich is the AMD version of DLSS? (I am still on 1080p don´t need any upscaling so i haven´t touched that topic at all so far)



I bought my 13700K before the whole thing got public. I planned on AMD but i got the 13700K  for 80€ less than normal. In hindsight i wish i would have spent that 80€ more for AMD. Well actually more because the AMD mobos cost more, still would have gone AMD if i would have known about the Intel problem. 


@SylenThunder For the same price of a 4070TI you can get a 7900XT. At least here. And doesn´t AMD have FSR wich is the AMD version of DLSS?



I bought my 13700K before the whole thing got public. I planned on AMD but i got the 13700K  for 80€ less than normal. In hindsight i wish i would have spent that 80€ more for AMD. Well actually more because the AMD mobos cost more, still would have gone AMD if i would have known about the Intel problem. 


@SylenThunder For the same price of a 4070TI you can get a 7900XT. At least here.



I bought my 13700K before the whole thing got public. I planned on AMD but i got the 13700K  for 80€ less than normal. In hindsight i wish i would have spent that 80€ more for AMD. Well actually more because the AMD mobos cost more, still would have gone AMD if i would have known about the Intel problem. 



I bought my 13700K before the whole thing got public. I planned on AMD but i got the 13700K with a lot of luck for 80€ less than normal. In hindsight i wish i would have spent that 80€ more for AMD. Well actually more because the AMD mobos cost more, still would have gone AMD if i would have known about the Intel problem. 



I bought my 13700K before the whole things got public. I planned on AMD but i got the 13700K with a lot of luck for 80€ less than normal. In hindsight i wish i would have spent that 80€ more for AMD. Well actually more because the AMD mobos cost more, still would have gone AMD if i would have known about the Intel problem. 

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