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@BFT2020 The only one i know of is the more game options mod. Everything else that pops up if you search for no rage refers to the destroy all mode when they fall down.


They took away the spawn slider and rage mode isn´t a xml edit. It would be really convenient to have a toggle instead of having to rely that the only mod, that also does a bunch of other things aka more things that can fail,  get´s updated forever.




@BFT2020 The only one i know of is the more game options mod. Everything else that pops up if you search for no rage refers to the destroy all mode when they fall down.


They took away the spawn slider and rage mode isn´t a xml edit. It would be really convenient to have a toggle instead of having to rely that the only mod, that also does a bunch of other things aka more things that can fail, to be updated forever.




@BFT2020 The only one i know of is the more game options mod. Everything else that pops up if you search for no rage refers to the destroy all mode when they fall down.


They took away the spawn slider and rage mode isn´t a xml edit. It would be really convenient to have a toggle instead of having to rely that the only mod, that also does a bunch of other things aka more things that can fail, to be updated forever.




@BFT2020 The only one i know of is the more game options mod. Everything else that pops up if you search for no rage refers to the destroy all mode when they fall down.


And as said this isn´t something i could learn, even if i have the time for that as it´s not just an xml edit. It would be so much more convenient to have it as a toggle. Espceially after we got robbed of the spawn slider and they reduced the spawn to 8 per chunk. All to make it run better on console. Wich they would ofc never admit. Reasoning from TFP was to make it run better on older PC´s aswell.  My old PC with a R5 3600(a 180$ CPU) and  a GTX 1060 could  handle a 4x spawn.  So yeah i would like to be able to get that back and the only thing that is not easy to mod is the toggle rage mode and i don´t wanna be dependent on mods getting updated.



@BFT2020 The only one i know of is the more game options mod. Everything else that pops up if you search for no rage refers to the destroy all mode when they fall down.


And as said this isn´t something i could learn, even if i have the time for that as it´s not just an xml edit. It would be so much more convenient to have it as a toggle. Espceially after we got robbed of the spawn slider and they reduced the spawn to 8 per chunk. All to make it run better on console. Wich they would ofc never admit. Reasoning from TFP was to make it run better on weaker systems.  My old PC with a R5 3600(a 180$ CPU) and  a GTX 1060 could  handle a 4x spawn.  So yeah i would like to be able to get that back and the only thing that is not easy to mod is the toggle rage mode and i don´t wanna be dependent on mods getting updated.

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