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14 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Bold claim, Cotton, let's see how it works out. Go, make the mod.

I already did for a different purpose. I am interested in making and modifying biomes. I don't have any interest in modifying the core AI mechanics because I am satisfied with them. Look at my latest screenshots of the wasteland. Completely different than vanilla. When I am motivated, I make things happen. As should everyone.





14 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Bold claim, Cotton, let's see how it works out. Go, make the mod.

I already did for a different purpose. I am interested in making and modifying biomes. I don't have any interest in modifying the core AI mechanics because I am satisfied with them. Look at my screenshots of the wasteland. Completely different than vanilla. When I am motivated, I make things happen. As should everyone.





10 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Bold claim, Cotton, let's see how it works out. Go, make the mod.

I already did for a different purpose. I am interested in making and modifying biomes. I don't have any interest in modifying the core AI mechanics because I am satisfied with them. Look at my screenshots of the wasteland. Completely different than vanilla. When I am motivated, I make things happen. As should everyone.

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