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(1.0) LittleRedSonja Ammunition Recycling


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This is a very simple mod that allows you to recover 80% of the resources from unwanted ammunition in a very easy straightforward way.




You open the ammo and recover the materials in the workbench.
No schematics or levels in crafting skills needed.


It includes 9mm, 7.62, Magnum .44, all the different ammunitions for shotguns and rockets. 
It takes some time to get the materials back. Opening and recovering materials from more complex types of ammunition, such as rockets, takes more time (but they will not explode, I promise 😉).


Like all my other mods so far, this mod is "Server-side-only friendly" (if you play multiplayer the mod only need to be installed in the server, if you play single player install the mod as usual).


If you want me to add modded ammunition let me know what mod you want to make compatible and I will look into it 😊
I hope you enjoy the mod 💜. Let me know too if you have suggestions or find bugs.  🥰




Frequently asked questions: 


1- Is your mod compatible with X, Y or Z mod? : Yes, as far as I know my mod is compatible with every other single mod for 7DTD, including of course all my other mods, even full conversions or overhauls should be compatible as long as they do not remove the vanilla ammunition. If you find a mod that is incompatible with mine please let me know and I will see if a compatibility patch can be made. 

2- Can the mod be used server side only?: Yes, the mod can be used both server side only (so if the server where you play have it installed you do not need to install it yourself) or client side (if you play solo instead of multiplayer then you install the mod as usual). 




Nexus modsAmmunition Recycling at 7 Days to Die Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)


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Posted (edited)

I am adding this image for additional visual help on how the mod works, Thank you FNS for providing it 💜






1- Open the workbench. In the left panel, in "Ammo/Weapons" category you will see recipes for "Recycled Ammo" bundles for each type of ammunition. 

2- Make sure you have the ammunition you want to recycle in your backpack. 

3- Select the recipe for the type of ammunition that you want to recycle and click "craft". You can craft more than one bundle at a time as long as you have enough ammunition in your backpack. 

4- After a few seconds you will get one or more "Recycle Ammo" bundles. 

5- Open the bundle, in the same way you would open other bundles in the game, to get the recycled materials. What materials you get depends on what kind of ammunition you are recycling. DO NOT SCRAP the bundle, just OPEN IT.

6- Profit 😉

Edited by LittleRedSonja
Added detailed instructions for how to recycle the ammunition (see edit history)
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UPDATE 1.1.0
- Made the mod compatible with Izayo weapon pack, so you can recycle 5.56 and 45 ACP ammunition if you are using that mod. 
- Slightly increased time to recycle rockets. I guess it would take some time to open a rocket and recover fuel and explosives without exploding it 😄. Don't worry, it is a small change and it still goes pretty fast 😉.
- Since rocket ammunition can be more difficult to obtain you can now recycle rockets in stacks of 5 instead of 10. 
- Included a picture for visual help on how the mod works in the mod folder (thank you FNS for providing it 😊)

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First here is my mod list:
7 Days to Die Modlist - Google Sheets

Game version 1.0 (b333)

Newest version of the mods possible to get.


Okay I have no idea why this is the way it is, but this is what I've discovered is a crashing issue I have with this mod and 3 others because to me they don't seem to interact with recycling in any way but I'm not a mod maker.


These are the 3 mods that I have that cause a crash when they are run with Ammo Recycling:

1 OCB Leveling Tool

2 OCB Inventory Mouse Wheel

3 OCB Advanced Pin Recipes


If I remove those OCB mods there is no crash.


The crash happens on world load. The game will do the Loading Blocks % and then it goes to Loading Game Data and after like 5 seconds the game just closes. There is nothing in the log as far as I can tell when the crash happens the log just ends abruptly. I will provide it if you wish but I don't know if it will shed any light.


If you need any more info, I will try to provide it if I'm able.

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Posted (edited)



The first thing, as far as I know leveling tool cause problems in 1.0.  The other 2 OCB mods I do not know, but I know that leveling tool does not work 100% fine in 1.0, there are some issues and bug reports about that one.  Anyway, none of them has any sort of  interaction with my mod or what my mod adds to the game so I do not see how a crash would be even remotely possible. 


I have tried them my self: 

The mod "inventory mouse wheel" started spamming errors right from game load, without even trying to load a save. It did that without any other mod installed, other than the 3 mods from OCB, and the error generated were not related to the xml as far as I can understand. 




Then the game crashes when trying to load the UI, with only those 3 mods installed.


EDIT: After some more testing I think the problem was that I had downloaded the A21 version of one of the mods by mistake. I downloaded them again, this time making sure I had the 1.0 version of all of them. and it worked perfectly fine, no errors or crashes. 


The thing is, then I added all my mods + a bunch of other popular mods, and I did not get any errors or crashes either, even after restarting the game several times just to see if I could get any random errors. But no, completely fine and compatible. 


So I do not know, perhaps you made the same mistake I made and some of your mods were the A21 version? Because, like I said, I have installed all those mods together with mine a many others and it works like a charm, no errors or crashes whatsoever. 


I would suggest, make sure you have all 1.0 compatible versions first. 

Try checking file integrity and repair game, install again, and try on a new generated world, those are problems that sometimes can crash your game too. 


You can add a link to your config dump, with the items and the recipes.xml and I can take a look and see if i can help or see if there is a problem. Also if you provide some way to see the full mod list i can take a look, I cannot see the one you have linked. 


Crashes are quite rare with xml mods even when outdated, and are much more often related with dll (when it is because mods, crashes can also be because of corrupted game files and many other things). 


Other than that I cannot help much more, since there is no problem between these mods and mine. 






Edited by LittleRedSonja
Added additional info after more testing (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...

UPDATE 1.2.0

- Adds support for the new version 2.0 of Izayo weapon pack (includes new weapons and several new ammunition types).
- Adds support for my weapons mod "T2 into T3 weapons" (adds Hellfire shells for the Holland & Holland Paradox Shotgun). 


I hope you enjoy this new update, so you can recycle all the new ammunition types included in the mods! 💜

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  • 3 weeks later...

UPDATE 1.3.0


- Added support for District Zero overhaul. Now you can recycle all the ammunition, grenades and rockets included in that mod. Added colored coded icon for each variety of ammunition included.
- Added Thrown Grenade and Contact Grenade for vanilla game. Now you can recycle them too.
- Made the icons in a nicer color, easier to see specially in low gamma settings.  
- Improved the localization file, to make it easier for people to add translations for the mod.


I hope you like this update 🥰.


If you have suggestions, want to add support for other mods or overhauls, or find bugs or problems with the mod please, let me know! 💜


You have the download links in the first post. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



For people playing solo or in servers that allow server + player side mods, I have added an optional Add-On, that includes a custom made "Ammo Recycling Bench".

If you install it you will recycle the ammunition in that new bench instead, freeing the workbench to craft other things. The new bench is crafted in the workbench.

It is a 1x1 bench, and it can be placed on top of any block at any height, so you can decorate your base with it however you want.



Unlike the main mod, which is server-side, the add-on requires install in both server and player computer, since it adds custom assets.
It is optional, and not required to use the mod, just a little extra nice detail that I wanted to add in case you can use it.

I hope you like it and remember, it is not required, just an optional nice thing to have 💜




Here are the links to download it, both in Nexus and SimfileShare:


Nexus (in "optional files"): Ammunition Recycling at 7 Days to Die Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)


SimFileShare: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4965697/


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