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Unnerfed Shotgun Slugs


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In A21, TFP did a massive rebalance for all the armour, tools and weapons in the game. Sadly, due to this rebalanced, shotgun slugs were left as an oversight. I have brought it up with TFP a number of times, and sadly, when using the Pump and Auto shotguns, slugs do significantly less damage than the shells, with a massive damage gap with the Auto shotgun, to the point that shells deal MORE damage to a soldier than slugs do.

Here is the list of all the damages in vanilla:

Pipe - shells - 100 dmg
Pipe - slugs - 125 dmg

- shells - 138 dmg
- slugs - 128 dmg

- shells - 188 dmg
- slugs - 133 dmg

- shells - 250 dmg
Auto - slugs - 140 dmg

And here is the damage of the slugs with this mod:

Pipe - shells - 100 dmg
Pipe - slugs - 95 dmg

Double - shells - 138 dmg
Double - slugs - 132 dmg

Pump - shells - 188 dmg
Pump - slugs - 182 dmg

Auto - shells - 250 dmg
Auto - slugs - 245 dmg

Download - https://github.com/Frantic-Dan/UnnerfedShotgunSlugs


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24 minutes ago, FrodoTBaggins said:

Hi! Very nice fix, I noticed this also a long time ago and I'd found it to be annoying. Thanks for this! A thing to note though, after 1.0 Stable it's back to doing nerfed damage, sadly. Copied files again and it's not working anymore.

Just checked and it's working just fine on my end. You need to be holding the correct shotgun when you check the damage.
Example, if you're holding the pipe shotgun and you check damage for the pump shotgun, you won't see the correct damage.

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