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7DTD/7DTD2 new wildlife

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Just a idea dump... again!
animals! we love them! we love to eat them! and love to hunt them! but adding more would be cool!

Normal animals

  • Bighorn sheep: found in the forest, burnt forest, deserts and mountains, they are hostile if you get close and will knock you back! drop meat, bones, hide and fat
  •  Wild dogs: a Mix of many dog breeds sent out into the wild!, weaker then wolfs but stronger then coyotes, found in towns, and can be found near any biome! spawn at a few colors and can be bought at a trader for a steep price! for a companion 
  • Horses: Wild male and female horses can be found and hunted, while females run from you! males will attack you, they spawn in a few colors!
    can be bough at the trader and be used as a Mount!. fuel is crops and fiber! but can be attacked by zombies!, males have more HP and carry weight while females move faster and have more stamina! can add mods on them like armor, lights, extra seating. 
  • Bobcats: weaker versions of cougars, they are smaller but faster! found in the forest and snow!
  • Bison: found more in Nazegane thanks to the dukes old ranch were he raised them. now they are out in the wild! found in the desert and forest! they are good eatting but they are tough and deadly!!
  • Elk: elk are found in the snow and rarely in the forest and burnt forest: males and females will attack you if you attack them!
  • turkeys: turkeys are larger then chickens are are easy to hunt! but unlike the chicken they will attack you!!!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Prime animals: Prime animals are bigger! Stronger and more aggressive.  


Alpha wolf: the size of a direwolf and has more health, more damage then a normal wolf, can spawn with a small pack of wolfs


Alpha coyote: about the same size as a wolf. Deals more damage and more health

Spawns with a large pack of coyotes 


Prime deer: male and female deer that will attack you. Bigger.  More meat! But more deadly 


Monster hog: A hog the size of grace! Meaner! Tastier and drops testosterone.  


Prime chicken: a rooster with bigger feathers! They will attack you. But are tasty! Drop testosterone 


Prime rabbit: a larger rabbit! More meat the better! 


Prime bear: a even stronger bear!!! 


Prime snake: bigger meaner tastier noodle

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