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Farming changes

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Posted (edited)
<recipe name="foodSteakAndPotato" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingGrill" tags="perkMasterChef,learnable">
	<ingredient name="foodRawMeat" count="5"/>
	<ingredient name="foodCropPotato" count="2"/>
	<ingredient name="foodCropMushrooms" count="2"/>
	<ingredient name="resourceAnimalFat" count="1"/>
		<passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" level="1,3" operation="base_add" value="-1,-2" tags="foodRawMeat"/>


<recipe name="plantedPumpkin1" count="1" craft_time="1" tags="perkLivingOffTheLand,learnable">
	<ingredient name="foodCropPumpkin" count="5"/>
		<passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" level="3" operation="base_add" value="-1" tags="foodCropPumpkin"/>

using the food recipe as a basis, do you think this could work for farming?


tho I am not sure if I will also need progression edits

Edited by wolfbain5 (see edit history)
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thank you bdubyah


<append xpath="/recipes/recipe[starts-with(@name, 'planted')]/@tags">,perkLivingOffTheLandCrafting</append>

<append xpath="/recipes/recipe[@name='plantedPumpkin1']">
        <passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" level="1,2,3" operation="base_add" value="0,0,-1" tags="foodCropPumpkin"/>

this works well and can be applied to all crops

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