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Bandits should be crazy!

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Hello guys,


I was thinking about the upcoming bandits and I think this content should offer something more and special instead of another hostile NPCs mindlessly roaming around like animals and zombies.


I think there is a huge potential that can be used, for example something crazy like:


1. Player that would loose a fight with a bandit wouldn´t be killed with a death penalty. Instead, the backpack would be lost (stolen), the player would be "knocked out" and would spawn somewhere very far from his base naked (dragged away).


2. Once an airdrop is in the air, player needs to get to it in a given time. Getting to it late and bandits will be around defenfing the drop. Ignoring the airdrop will cause it to dissapear (taken by bandits).




3. Navezgane could be split into few territories controlled by bandit outposts. In that territories, bandits would spawn. Player would be able to attack and free the outpost and free the territory to make that zone safer for a time being. The control of the territory could be assigned to a trader for discounts. Bandits could try and reclaim the outpost later. 


I know this smells like Farcry a little. Sorry. 


4. Having a base in a bandit controlled territory would trigger a group of bandits visiting the base from time to time asking for tribute. Player can choose to defend or to pay. If the defense fails, idea number 1 triggers with few % of loot in your base being stolen on top. If the player is not home at the time group of bandits could spawn near the player trying to hunt him down or the base being damaged a little (I haven´t thought it through yet).   


Something like Negan from Walking dead and his human resources.  


5. After the player finishes a quest and finds the loot, there could be a slight chance for bandits to come to steal the loot. Player can choose to split or to fight and take everything. 


6. Every loot stolen by bandits would stack up in an outpost of the territory in which the player was robbed. 


To sumerize. Bandits are not lethal. They just there to annoy and exploit and extort.

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Even if most of it is Like farcry (nothing wrong with that). It would be cool if they killed you they steal your stuff.


And like farcry. If solders had ranks that would be cool. I made a post about it. 


But in short. 







Hunters (uses bows And stealth



Chosen warriors


Attack dogs


Ranks included


Recrut, prime, veteran, legendary 


And they did say they will have little pois as outpost! Not like farcry but like how zombies have infestations


Granted while I think it'd be hard to code for them to steal your stuff and store it I think them just stealing in just running off with your goods would make life and death situations with Bandits even harsher and scarier


I also think just adding simple human NPCs and small settlements would be nice


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