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Major flaw of the game is skill progression is way way too fast

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1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:


That is simply not true.  While they may not be implementing all the ideas that the community has provided over the years, that does not mean that they have been ignoring community feedback.


With version 1.0 (and earlier Alphas) we have seen changes to the game based on community feedback.  These include, but not limited to:

  • Nerfing the traders
  • Made crafting more important
  • Removed crafting quality from perks
  • The ability to limit quests per day
  • Ability to craft Q6 items
  • Improving Dew collectors
  • Brought back the burnt biome
  • More diverse POIs
  • More T4 and T5 POIs
  • Improved performance in large cities
  • Faster RWG
  • Overall performance optimization
  • Wandering sleepers
  • Zombie variations


Those are just off the top of my head that I can think of sitting here.  We all have ideas on how this game should be done, but in the end, it is TFP's game and it is based on their desire on how the game should be developed.


However, they understand that players may have different opinions on the game mechanics which is why they have setup the game to be easily modded.  You want LBD, you can mod it in.  Personally I prefer the current stat / perk system.  Heck, you can even mod the Stat system if you want to, go with the idea that you have - but it does take some work to do so to get the existing system converted to what you want.


I want to get rid of the remaining recipe unlocks from the perk books and schematics, I can easily do that by tying it into the crafting magazines system - which I have plans on doing when V1.0 goes stable.


Exactly.  Just people people want a specific thing that TFP decides they don't want doesn't mean they don't listen.  They can't please every player and listening doesn't mean they try to do so.  If they don't want LBD, that doesn't mean they aren't listening.  They actually listen more than a lot of developers.

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