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POIS: Remnants, pre and post war POIS

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Old houses from the traders! Shows their personality based on their honss


Jen residence: has flowers, doctoers degrees and is a nice mordern house. Has a nice car outside and a safe room inside


Bob: a old farm with a chair outside with a small secret moonshine still. 2 graves outside his out. And a a old dog house. 


Hugh: a rough survivalist house with a basement that had a large bunker. An American flag and don't tread on me flag outside his out. 


Joel: a old cabin, with a shed were he did old fashioned leather working, a old pickup truck with a attic that is armored and protected 


Bob: a old trailers connected toghter!  a pickup truck. Junk everywhere! And a buried trailer that was a bunker for him! 


Noahs: a old Victoria style house with a bunch of old motorcycles. A small bunker under his house full of guns, drugs, bunks and gas. A true biker 

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