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1.0 Experimental Feedback Please let multiplayer quest clears advance everyone's tier progress

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On 6/24/2024 at 9:58 PM, Bask said:

Messing with the other settings and turning up loot across the board doesn't fix players who don't get to use magazines not getting to track any progression or craft things for themselves. Plus people may not want all loot increased just to get double magazines to split between 2 people. A sharing setting would do nothing but good IMO. 


While I don't personally disagree with that idea - a system like the one you suggest doesn't exist at the moment, but your problem with it does.  I currently play with 5 people total on my multiplayer server and while the magazine system can run a little thin for all us, we are very good at making sure that the right magazines make it to the right people.   A small increase in loot percentage is not a drastic change right away, but it does help alleviate some of the pressure and doubly so over time.   And if you need something crafted, you can always talk to the right person, yes?  In terms of perk mags, you just need to be a bit judicious who gets what, and what sort of diversity of dynamic functions everyone might be serving.   And this is stopping short from being involved in a group where everyone wants to run similar builds, in which case this is a people management problem and not a game problem.


That is more in line with why i recommend it as a practical solution.  I cannot stress enough how helping yourself with the settings can make a difference.

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