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@Roland  I never ever said anything about development beeing to slow, i wouldn´t mind another 5 years. But for new players that now buy this is deceptive. People already made a drama that they had to start a new game with each version when it was still called early access. Now the new players will start even more drama and rightfully so.


If tehy label the game 1.0 the least they should do is that no new saves are required with a new version. Wich we know is not possible as RWG and biome progression are not done yet.


And the worst thing is you can´t even refund, because once you find that out, you are way over 2 hours....



@Roland I don´t care. I never ever said anything about development beeing to slow. But for new players that now buy this is deceptive. People already made a drama that they had to start a new game with each version when it was still called early access. Now the new players will start even more drama and rightfully so.


If tehy label the game 1.0 the least they should do is that no new saves are required with a new version. Wich we know is not possible as RWG and biome progression are not done yet.


And the worst thing is you can´t even refund, because once you find that out, you are way over 2 hours....

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