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Dev Stream Q&A Suggestion

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Posted (edited)

Just caught up on the rest of the Dev stream from a couple days ago.  (loved it, can't wait for 1.0!!!!)
For the Q&A portion, you could/should have a moderator that curates questions from chat to ask y'all.
For best results this should be someone you can trust to not stir the pot.  Could be a trusted community manager, or even a streamer.

Path of Exile is famous for this in their Q/A; having a well spoken streamer, who plays PoE a lot, host the Q&A.
This provides a central location for questions to flow through, and y'all can focus on the answers and content.

Edited by Lord Visceral (see edit history)
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If you mean from the dev stream chat, the problem is that there were over 5000 people in chat and even with slow mode enabled, the chat was flying past really quickly.  Trying to curate questions from chat that size isn't a good option.  It works great with smaller audiences but just doesn't work well here.  Now, I don't know what extension Twitch has available, but maybe there is one that can automatically grab any message that starts with a specific word or phrase and then a moderator could grab questions from that generated list.  For example, I know one game's streams that I watch ask people to start their questions with QUESTION: so the moderators can see and grab it.  But they are still doing that manually.  I don't know if there is anything available to grab it automatically.  If so, maybe TFP should consider that as an option.  But if not, then other options outside of the stream can be used.  They can gather questions that are posted on the forum, for example.  There are any number of options available and I do agree that something should be done instead of what they did on Friday.  But I really doubt they'll change how they do that.

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While I agree it is not easy, that's the whole point of having someone who can pull questions while the devs are answering the last question. 
GGG the devs of path of exile, do this while over 100,000 people are asking questions in chat.  It is easier that way than what they do right now. Again doesn't mean it's easy, but it is easier.

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