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9 hours ago, LisikRey said:

- Transport still disappears if you get off it abruptly, and returns to the point where you put it. On some servers there is a mod /V, which returns the transport to the player, but on most servers do not know this mod. Will it be fixed?

Not sure about this but if it is a known issue then there is a good chance. Maybe @Jugginator can comment. I’ve never experienced it myself playing on a server with just three of us. 

9 hours ago, LisikRey said:

Do you think we're that interested in looking for every zombie in the house, and then going through the house for about 1-2h looking for the last zombie? nope!

You may not but there are people who do enjoy that and that’s why in A21 they fixed the problem. You can now select lower tier quests if you don’t enjoy searching a tier 4 or tier 5 POI for every last zombie.  You can always do a tier 2 or 3 clear if you like a lighter quest for that type. Now everyone can play how they like. Perhaps you didn’t know that you can select lower tier quests if you don’t like the huge complex buildings that take hours to find every last zombie. Now you do. 😀


9 hours ago, LisikRey said:

- Crafting and the book system...

It doesn’t fit in with your playstyle because as a PvP player you need a system that is 100% deterministic so you can rush to the top before your opponents and use that advantage. I get it. That doesn’t mean it needs fixing. This game hasn’t been developing towards the goal of PvP balance since A11 introduced RPG elements for the first time. Since A11, the game has become more and more PvE focused and less PvP focused. This game is being developed primarily for 2-8 friends to play as a team rather than for 20-50 strangers to destroy each other and steal from each other. The crafting system, like many other systems are round holes that you want to fill with your square PvP pegs. Without the element of competition and a need to race to the top of progression before others, the system works great and makes each game feel different depending on what you can and can’t do. It’s awesome for a team wanting to work together to cooperate and help each other.


9 hours ago, LisikRey said:


I don’t even understand what you are saying here. You mean opening 100 doors crashes the server or something?  Again, if you PvP with dozens of strangers on a server, that’s great, but you aren’t really the target audience if the game. It’s cool that you are modding this primarily solo and small team cooperative game to play it as a large scale hunger games PvP experience. Modding the core game to something it’s not often creates problems with balance though. 


9 hours ago, LisikRey said:

- Broken Biome Multipliers.

Biome progression won’t be done for 1.0 but is on the roadmap for later. However, if your focus is on PVP and hence racing against others to progress, you probably won’t be satisfied with it even when it’s done. This isn’t really an issue for SP other than those who just like to optimize and min/max for its own sake. @Jugginator do you know anything about broken multipliers for the biomes?


9 hours ago, LisikRey said:

- Still remains a bug with loading, if you step back 100 meters or fly on a copter, you can see where the player is at his base, as the player loading further than the base. How to play on the PVP server?

Only an issue with PvP and most likely only on servers that are exceeding 8 players. I’ve not noticed that for many years. There are three of us on a server and I don’t see my brother load in without the rest of the chunk. But even if that did happen I’m not trying to discover his base or snipe him through his walls that haven’t rendered yet. It’s nothing that has to be fixed for the primary intended gameplay. It’s just a graphical glitch that can be jarring at times instead of a massive exploitive advantage. 

9 hours ago, LisikRey said:

In fact, there are many more bugs, they are not just many, they are a huge number, but I described the main ones, which you completely killed the game after A21, and the falling online showed it. Now it has grown again, because people come in hoping that you will fix this nonsense of crooked coders, but can you? Big question... We'll add a biker costume though, lol. Why don't you do the game first?

PvP servers of more than 8 players are a modded version of the game and so will always be problematic. Just like any mod, you roll with the punches and just try to live with the inevitable glitches. If this game was PvP-centric then all your priorities would be the top priorities of TFP and yet they are focused on adding a biker costume. Why do you think that is?  Could it be that the devs are primarily targeting an audience that cares more about filling a role in a small team and so will enjoy specialized outfits and that servers of 20+ strangers trying to kill and rob each other aren’t on their radar at all?


Yes. That’s what it surely means. 



8 hours ago, LisikRey said:

- Transport still disappears if you get off it abruptly, and returns to the point where you put it. On some servers there is a mod /V, which returns the transport to the player, but on most servers do not know this mod. Will it be fixed?

Not sure about this but if it is a known issue then there is a good chance. Maybe @Jugginator can comment. I’ve never experienced it myself playing on a server with just three of us. 

8 hours ago, LisikRey said:

Do you think we're that interested in looking for every zombie in the house, and then going through the house for about 1-2h looking for the last zombie? nope!

You may not but there are people who do enjoy that and that’s why in A21 they fixed the problem. You can now select lower tier quests if you don’t enjoy searching a tier 4 or tier 5 POI for every last zombie.  You can always do a tier 2 or 3 clear if you like a lighter quest for that type. Now everyone can play how they like. Perhaps you didn’t know that you can select lower tier quests if you don’t like the huge complex buildings that take hours to find every last zombie. Now you do. 😀


8 hours ago, LisikRey said:

- Crafting and the book system...

It doesn’t fit in with your playstyle because as a PvP player you need a system that is 100% deterministic so you can rush to the top before your opponents and use that advantage. I get it. That doesn’t mean it needs fixing. This game hasn’t been developing towards the goal of PvP balance since A11 introduced RPG elements for the first time. Since A11, the game has become more and more PvE focused and less PvP focused. This game is being developed primarily for 2-8 friends to play as a team rather than for 30-50 strangers to destroy each other and steal from each other. The crafting system, like many other systems are round holes that you want to fill with your square PvP pegs. Without the element of competition and a need to race to the top of progression before others, the system works great and makes each game feel different depending on what you can and can’t do. Perfect for a team to work together to cooperate and help each other with. 


9 hours ago, LisikRey said:


I don’t even understand what you are saying here. You mean opening 100 doors crashes the server or something?  Again, if you PvP with dozens of strangers on a server, that’s great, but you aren’t really the target audience if the game. It’s cool that you are modding this primarily solo and small team cooperative game to play it as a large scale hunger games PvP experience. Modding the core game to something it’s not often creates problems with balance though. 


9 hours ago, LisikRey said:

- Broken Biome Multipliers.

Biome progression won’t be done for 1.0 but is on the roadmap for later. However, if your focus is on PVP and hence racing against others to progress, you probably won’t be satisfied with it even when it’s done. This isn’t really an issue for SP other than those who just like to optimize and min/max for its own sake. @Jugginator do you know anything about broken multipliers for the biomes?


9 hours ago, LisikRey said:

- Still remains a bug with loading, if you step back 100 meters or fly on a copter, you can see where the player is at his base, as the player loading further than the base. How to play on the PVP server?

Only an issue with PvP and most likely only on servers that are exceeding 8 players. I’ve not noticed that for many years. There are three of us on a server and I don’t see my brother load in without the rest of the chunk. But even if that did happen I’m not trying to discover his base or snipe him through his walls that haven’t rendered yet. It’s nothing that has to be fixed for the primary intended gameplay if the game. It’s just a graphical glitch that can be jarring at times instead of a massive exploitive advantage. 

9 hours ago, LisikRey said:

In fact, there are many more bugs, they are not just many, they are a huge number, but I described the main ones, which you completely killed the game after A21, and the falling online showed it. Now it has grown again, because people come in hoping that you will fix this nonsense of crooked coders, but can you? Big question... We'll add a biker costume though, lol. Why don't you do the game first?

PvP servers of more than 8 players are a modded version of the game and so will always be problematic. Just like any mod, you roll with the punches and just live with the inevitable glitches. If this game was PvP-centric then all your priorities would be the top priorities of TFP and yet they are focused on adding a biker costume. Why do you think that is?  Could it be that the devs are primarily targeting an audience that cares more about filling a role in a small team and so will enjoy specialized outfits and that servers of 20+ strangers trying to kill and rob each other aren’t on their radar at all?


Yes. That’s what it surely means. 

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