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Tier one loot only

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I would like a mod to only drop tier one loot. I have tried to make one, watching you tube videos ect. But alas it never worked. I am willing to learn how to make it it if I can get some directions. or if someone know of a mod already out there that does this. I would like to find tier one items in loot, weapons, tools, armor. I think it is realistic to find stuff. but I want to have to craft tier 2-5 items. If anyone out  there knows of a mod or can help me make it, or make one. that would be great. thanks a bunch :)

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To reduce the loot drop to Quality 1 for all tiers, you need to change the quality loot tables.  Remove the following loot tables:


QLTemplateT0, QLTemplateT1, QLTemplateT2, QLTemplateT3


and replace them with new ones like this


    <lootqualitytemplate name="QLTemplateT0">
        <qualitytemplate level="0,999999" default_quality="1">
            <loot quality="1" prob="1"/>


You would do this for all 4 loot templates I said to remove.


I believe the code could be written like this:

<remove xpath="//lootqualitytemplate[contains(@name,'QLTemplateT')]/qualitytemplate[not(starts-with(@level,'0'))]"/>

<set xpath="//lootqualitytemplate[contains(@name,'QLTemplateT')]/qualitytemplate/@level">0,999999</set>

<set xpath="//lootqualitytemplate[contains(@name,'QLTemplateT')]/qualitytemplate/@default_quality">1</set>

<set xpath="//lootqualitytemplate[contains(@name,'QLTemplateT')]/qualitytemplate/loot/@quality">1</set>


First line of code removes all of the non-zero quality template tables in all 4 QL Templates

The next 3 lines change the remaining one to Quality 1 at all levels


Should work unless I messed up my logic or made a typo.

Edited by BFT2020
change the first line of code from contains to starts-with to capture all non-zero and all factors of 10 (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, lordneg said:

I would like a mod to only drop tier one loot. I have tried to make one, watching you tube videos ect. But alas it never worked. I am willing to learn how to make it it if I can get some directions. or if someone know of a mod already out there that does this. I would like to find tier one items in loot, weapons, tools, armor. I think it is realistic to find stuff. but I want to have to craft tier 2-5 items. If anyone out  there knows of a mod or can help me make it, or make one. that would be great. thanks a bunch :)


I also assumed that you mean Quality one on all the tiers.  If you want to limit loot to Tier 1 or lower items (like stone / pipe / iron tools etc), you will have to modify more than what I typed above

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