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8 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

It seems that country towns aren't 100% perfect yet. 😛 There's more than a few places where entire sections of the town are simply cut off from the main body. Good luck getting around everywhere by a vehicle pre-apocalypse times.


If you were to visit the map in Godmode and throw the little switch in the upper right corner (from memory, might be elsewhere) it should show the outlines of the Tiles which makes it more obvious if those are Cap tiles, Straight tiles, etc. that didn't connect with each other.


Ah, nevermind. @Laz Man said they knew of the issue already.


11 hours ago, Tete1805 said:

Did anyone else encountered unusually high tier zombies in POIs?

I was doing a tier 2 infested clear and got ambushed by 3 feral bikers, a military zombie and a feral tourist.

With a pipe machine gun, the fight wasn't very fair and I got my ass handed to me.

It's only the morning of day 10 and I'm level 25 in the burnt biome (game stage 63).

Also, fought four radiated military zombies in a T4 (forest biome on day 6).


I've not made a big study of this with Vanilla A21, and certainly not with 1.0 since I've not been able to play it yet, but POI designers can choose to amp up the zombies in a zombie volume. Some independent designers think higher tier POIs should be for higher level characters, so they will amp up a few volumes like that as a way of saying "not kidding around here." Perhaps TFP is also willing to do that?



8 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

It seems that country towns aren't 100% perfect yet. 😛 There's more than a few places where entire sections of the town are simply cut off from the main body. Good luck getting around everywhere by a vehicle pre-apocalypse times.


If you were to visit the map in Godmode and throw the little switch in the upper right corner (from memory, might be elsewhere) it should show the outlines of the Tiles which makes it more obvious if those are Cap tiles, Straight tiles, etc. that didn't connect with each other.


11 hours ago, Tete1805 said:

Did anyone else encountered unusually high tier zombies in POIs?

I was doing a tier 2 infested clear and got ambushed by 3 feral bikers, a military zombie and a feral tourist.

With a pipe machine gun, the fight wasn't very fair and I got my ass handed to me.

It's only the morning of day 10 and I'm level 25 in the burnt biome (game stage 63).

Also, fought four radiated military zombies in a T4 (forest biome on day 6).


I've not made a big study of this with Vanilla A21, and certainly not with 1.0 since I've not been able to play it yet, but POI designers can choose to amp up the zombies in a zombie volume. Some independent designers think higher tier POIs should be for higher level characters, so they will amp up a few volumes like that as a way of saying "not kidding around here." Perhaps TFP is also willing to do that?



8 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

It seems that country towns aren't 100% perfect yet. 😛 There's more than a few places where entire sections of the town are simply cut off from the main body. Good luck getting around everywhere by a vehicle pre-apocalypse times.


If you were to visit the map in Godmode and throw the little switch in the upper right corner (from memory, might be elsewhere) it should show the outlines of the Tiles which makes it more obvious if those are Cap tiles, Straight tiles, etc. that didn't connect with each other.

11 hours ago, Tete1805 said:

Did anyone else encountered unusually high tier zombies in POIs?

I was doing a tier 2 infested clear and got ambushed by 3 feral bikers, a military zombie and a feral tourist.

With a pipe machine gun, the fight wasn't very fair and I got my ass handed to me.

It's only the morning of day 10 and I'm level 25 in the burnt biome (game stage 63).

Also, fought four radiated military zombies in a T4 (forest biome on day 6).


I've not made a big study of this with Vanilla A21, and certainly not with 1.0 since I've not been able to play it yet, but POI designers can choose to amp up the zombies in a zombie volume. Some independent designers think higher tier POIs should be for higher level characters, so they will amp up a few volumes like that as a way of saying "not kidding around here." Perhaps TFP is also willing to do that?

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