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End Game thoughts

Zomboni Driver

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Hey all.  I've been playing 7D2D for a while now.  Love the game, really strong survivalcraft/zombie blend.  However I've found for myself and from others who I've spoken to that once you've reached the tier 5 quest lines, the game sort of falls flat.  You have nothing else to do but the t5 missions.  So I have 2 thoughts on things that could be added that might give the player something else to keep playing for.

At the start of the game, the player starts with a note in their inventory from "The Duke".  Apparently he robbed you or something to make you wake up naked in a field.  So, why not have a special POI "Duke Stronghold" on every map, no quest or anything to lead to it, players just have to find it.  Make it super hard to infiltrate (IE traps, lots of twists and turns, etc), could even make this a non-zombie event and there could be guards with weapons (that might be going too far or too much work to create), and of course there would be a boss mob "The Duke".  Kill him for a special unique reward (Oooh a real helicopter would be sweet!!).  


A second thought I had was for a new zombie class that might make for more challenge for players like me who just live on Insane level for the challenge.  A zombie hunter that spawns maybe once every 3 days randomly anywhere on the map and just hunts players, maybe high increase to sound and heat detection to help it track??  He can shoot some sort of barbed projectile and can stealth to make him hard to spot when he's closing in.  The idea is to not only have to worry about wandering hordes and such, but now you got to keep a look out for these hunters.  Maybe even only make this feature available on insane level or something to add to the difficulty.  





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2 hours ago, FramFramson said:

A "main quest" along these lines has been planned for a while (including a pair of opposed T6 POIs) but it'll still be a long-time in coming as the devs need to add bandits & NPCs first.

Really that and some extra end game enemies/zombies. Maybe some bosses here and there, like grace!


Weapon and progression is pretty good.  (And if armor I'm sure once it comes out) 


Hell add a few more new settings like headshots only, lower the amount of gear you can fine. Raise it, etc 



My end game is basically building whatever I want or turn the game harder like no horde bases, Cod zombies style bases, or using crappy weapons like pipe pistols! 

Edited by Adam the Waster (see edit history)
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