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@meganoth The ones i talk about all have water and thirst. And if you look at the reasoning from madmole, wich is linked in this thread, he literally said it´s about survival. It´s the first reason he gave.


Second reason was to make crafting in early game harder. Inventory clutter is just reason number 3. And seriously, that´s just minor.


Now the new system doesn´t make water a lot harder, just different and a bit slower until you don´t need to care about it, it´s even possible to not use a dew collector. And it also doesn´t prevent me from crafting anything i need early game because glue and duct tape can be found in the trash everywhere. The whole work to implement this and annoying a good part off your playerbase for a that result must be frustrating.


And no, the loud minority argument doesn´t count. As gamesparks doesn´t work anymore, they have absolutly no clue if half the playerbase simply mods this out. The fact that just a minority is active here and on steam doesn´t automatically mean the majority is happy with it, especially in a game where modding is that easy. Seeing the disscusion going on and on since release of A21 is, at least for me, a a strong hint that we are not talking about just a minority.


This and the magzines are for me still a "play like we want you to and use our POI´s all the time" from TFP. Seeing the post on FB about how this game is the definitive zombie survival sandbox RPG advertising the latest sale seems like a joke. There is no sandbox.


I actually don´t care if water gets harder, wich it isn´t. But do not try it like that please.




@meganoth The ones i talk about all have water and thirst. And if you look at the reasoning from madmole, wich is linked in this thread, he literally said it´s about survival. It´s the first reason he gave.


Second reason was to make crafting in early game harder. Inventory clutter is just reason number 3. And seriously, that´s just minor.


Now the new system doesn´t make water a lot harder, just different and a bit slower until you don´t need to care about it, it´s even possible to not use a dew collector. And it also doesn´t prevent me from crafting anything i need early game because glue and duct tape can be found in the trash everywhere. The whole work to implement this and annoying a good part off your playerbase for a that result must be frustrating.


And no, the loud minority argument doesn´t count. As gamesparks doesn´t work anymore, they have absolutly no clue if half the playerbase simply mods this out. The fact that just a minority is active here and on steam doesn´t automatically mean the majority is happy with it, especially in a game where modding is that easy. Seeing the disscusion going on and on since release of A21 is, at least for me, a a strong hint that we are not talking about just a minority.


This and the magzines are for me still a "play like we want you to and use our POI´s all the time" from TFP. Seeing the post on FB about how this game is the definitive zombie survival sandbox RPG advertising the latest sale seems like a joke. There is no sandbox.


I actually don´t care if water gets harder, wich it isn´t. But do not try it like that please.




@meganoth The ones i talk about all have water and thirst. And if you look at the reasoning from madmole, wich is linked in this thread, he literally said it´s about survival. It´s the first reason he gave.


Second reason was to make crafting in early game harder. Inventory clutter is just reason number 3. And seriously, that´s just minor.


Now the new system doesn´t make water a lot harder, just different and a bit slower until you don´t need to care about it, it´s even possible to not use a dew collector. And it also doesn´t prevent me from crafting anything i need early game because glue and duct tape can be found in the trash everywhere. The whole work to implement this and annoying a good part off your playerbase for a that result must be frustrating.


And no, the loud minority argument doesn´t count. As gamesparks doesn´t work anymore, they have absolutly no clue if half the playerbase simply mods this out. The fact that just a minority is active here and on steam doesn´t automatically mean the majority is happy with it, especially in a game where modding is that easy. Seeing the disscusion going on and on since release of A21 is, at least for me, a a strong hint that we are not talking about just a minority.


This and the magzines are for me still a "play like we want you to and use our POI´s all the time" from TFP. Seeing the post on FB about how this game is the definitive zombie survival sandbox RPG advertising the latest sale seems like a joke. There is no sandbox.




@meganoth The ones i talk about all have water and thirst. And if you look at the reasoning from madmole, wich is linked in this thread, he literally said it´s about survival. It´s the first reason he gave.


Second reason was to make crafting in early game harder. Inventory clutter is just reason number 3. And seriously, that´s just minor.


Now the new system doesn´t make water a lot harder, just different and a bit slower until you don´t need to care about it, it´s even possible to not use a dew collector. And it also doesn´t prevent me from crafting anything i need early game because glue and duct tape can be found in the trash everywhere. The whole work to implement this and annoying a good part off your playerbase for a that result must be frustrating.


And no, the loud minority argument doesn´t count. As gamesparks doesn´t work anymore, they have absolutly no clue if half the playerbase simply mods this out. The fact that just a minority is active here and on steam doesn´t automatically mean the majority is happy with it, especially in a game where modding is that easy. Seeing the disscusion going on and on since release of A21 is, at least for me, a a strong hint that we are not talking about just a minority.


This and the magzines are for me still a "play like we want you to and use our POI´s all the time" from TFP.





@meganoth The ones i talk about all have water and thirst. And if you look at the reasoning from madmole, wich is linked in this thread, he literally said it´s about survival. It´s the first reason he gave.


Second reason was to make crafting in early game harder. Inventory clutter is just reason number 3. And seriously, that´s just minor.


Now the new system doesn´t make water a lot harder, just different and a bit slower until you don´t need to care about it, it´s even possible to not use a dew collector. And it also doesn´t prevent me from crafting anything i need early game because glue and duct tape can be found in the trash everywhere. The whole work to implement this and annoying a good part off your playerbase for a that result must be frustrating.


And no, the loud minority argument doesn´t count. As gamesparks doesn´t work anymore, they have absolutly no clue if half the playerbase simply mods this out. The fact that just a minority is active here and on steam doesn´t automatically mean the majority is happy with it, especially in a game where modding is that easy. Seeing the disscusion going on and on since release of A21 is, at least for me, a a strong hint that we are not talking about just a minority.





@meganoth The ones i talk about all have water and thirst. And if you look at the reasoning from madmole, wich is linked in this thread, he literally said it´s about survival. It´s the first reason he gave.


Second reason was to make crafting in early game harder. Inventory clutter is just reason number 3. And seriously, that´s just minor.


Now the new system doesn´t make water a lot harder, just different and a bit slower until you don´t need to care about it, it´s even possible to not use a dew collector. And it also doesn´t prevent me from crafting anything i need early game because glue and duct tape can be found in the trash everywhere. The whole work to implement this and annoying a good part off your playerbase for a that result must be frustrating.


And no, the loud minority argument doesn´t count. As gamesparks doesn´t work anymore, they have absolutly no clue if half the playerbase simply mods this out. The fact that just a minority is active here and on steam doesn´t automatically mean the majority is happy with it, especially in a game where modding is that easy.



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