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Land Claim Blocks


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I need a way to get rid of a land claim block of a player I had to give the boot. Little prick put a land claim in the center of the base.


The Land Claim setting on my GTX server are:


Land Claim Count:3

Land Claim Size:41

Land Claim Dead Zone:30

Land Claim Expiry Time:1

Land Claim Decay Mode:Linear

Land Claim Online Durability Modifier:3

Land Claim Offline Durability Modifier:3

Land Claim Offline Delay:0



I have Allocs but have no idea to use it. Running in Alpha 21. GTX Dedicated Server.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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If you are the admin of the server, temporarily give yourself the Dev gun that removes objects (looks like the SMG) and just shoot it out of existence.
Outside of that, I think if you destroy the blocks supporting it, it should fall and boop itself like anything else and turn into rubble.
Otherwise just smack it with pickaxes or an augur until it goes bye-bye.

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Thank you. I did precisely that and it booped out of existance when I destroyed the surrounding blocks. So simple but I overlooked it.


Yes I am the admin. Thankfully I booted him before he could cause more havoc. Changed the game password to be sure as well as blacklisting him. I was not losing 500 hours of my building stuff to an idiot.

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