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Landmine Update


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Landmines in this game are pretty boring. There is really no reason to use them, as everyone can see them and easily detect them with that one skill, but I believe not only can this be fixed, but it can be overhauled and made to be super cool.


The landmine progression in this game is pretty boring at best, you just get to unlock 4 ugly looking landmines, instead of having these landmines with the exact same purpose, you can implement different types of mines that have different effects and powers.


Another implementation should be the mechanic to bury some types of landmines, I will put an (X) in front of the mines that can be buried.


The first topic I will be covering is the different types of landmines. There will be 4.


1(X)(BLAST LANDMINE) everybody knows this landmine, step on it = no more ankle.


2(Fragmentation Landmine) this mine would be attached to a wooden stake, and would be visible as it would be above the ground. When tripped, it launches Fragmentation in a 360 degree radius, causing fractures, and bleeding.


3(Directional Landmine) this is your conventional claymore mine, while doing damage all the round, it only expells frag in a certain degree radius, this can be upwards of 45 degrees.


4(X)(Bounding Landmine) commonly known as the bouncing Betty, this mine stays concealed in the ground, once triggered, a 1-2 second delay will start, once over, the mine will jump into the air, out of the dirt, sending frag in a 360 direction.


Another thing I would like to cover is the mechanics of these mines. Unlike Hollywood belief, when you step on any mine with a pressure plate, they will go off instantly, unless there is a delay like with the bounding mine. The only case I could find with a step-release landmine is the PROM-1 yugo landmine.


Each of the 4 mines should have 2 different craftable types, the first being MAKESHIFT, and the second being MILITARY, although both can be crafted. Makeshift mines can not be found in loot, but Military landmines can be found in military loot. Makeshift mines will have less power thank compared to Military landmines as well.


Crafting the mines would be unlocked with the explosives magazine, makeshift being unlocked first, and military mines unlocked next. The landmines will be unlocked in order, blast, directional, frag, bounding.


I am not sure how the frag and directional mines would be activated, I was thinking sticking to a trip wire would be really cool, you would first place the mine, and then place a tripwire, all with the same item.


To bury a mine, you would click on one of the buriable ones with a shovel, it would act just like a repair tool.


This new landmine update would be a great implementation to 7DTD, and would make the explosives category way less bare.


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Kinda agree all these random junk mines are kinda strange.  I would list as 


Junk mines: random items like hubcap, air filter, nails and gun powder makes for a okay mine, will kill or break legs (has pipe bomb explosion) 


Firemines: Same idea as a junk mine but when it blows up it throws gas everywhere and starts a fire. Looks like a tin candy mine and a few glass bottles around it. Blows up like a pipe bomb and molotov 


Heavy mine: great for vehicles, strong zombies or that one dude in heavy armor, looks like a millitary landmine, and uses forged iron mostly. It blows up like a grenade/frag rocket.   



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