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Suggestion: Oil Lamps


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Simple, to the point, an Oil Lamp we can carry, mount of a wall, or set on the floor. Better light then a torch and it helps to use up some resources in the process. As you can see from Below the lamp takes Oil, Cloth (wick), a can (Holds the oil), Glass Jar (Protects the wick), and some scrap for the handle and brackets. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ON8OUh3.png[/IMG] I see this as a useful tool to get away from torches or as a way to make your house a little more tidy.
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Think two options since Oil itself can be sometimes hard to find. Maybe perhaps similar to how torches can be made via coal, plant fibers or cloth. We can use Oil or Grain Alchohol, or even Coal to make it. No need to use scrap metal as a glass jar, cloth/plant fibers, 1 scrap metal can is good enough in addition to the fuel. The trade off being more resource intensive compared to normal torches being that it provides better illumination. And also, the Pimps did mention that there might be consideration in future of having fire do damage so we can't exactly place lighted torches on the sides of wood framed walls. So the Oil Lamp can be a good substitute.
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Depending on what they add, there is the option of having a crop option for oil. Right now there are only a few crops, but something like Caraway or Canola could be a source of oil and if it is taken further, even biofuel as long as it is hard to make. And yeah the scrap could be removed...it was just there in my head as a way to make nails and the basic way to keep the Jar in place. But it is not necessary unless they want to make it costly...but a better alternative. I suppose you could also make one out of brass using a trophy instead of a can...heh.
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Corn and flowers are both plants that are being used to make vegetable oil that can serve perfectly as lamp oil. The added value would be that you also could use this vegetable oil to make weapons repair kits. Also since we have clay I would suggest a clay lamp, crafting would be the same as a clay bowl but with a piece of cloth for wick and oil als fuel, or a clay bowl with oil and a piece of cloth. It is just not as sturdy as the proposed oil lamp and a lot more usefull than a flowerpot.
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Addtional, instead of a clay bowl. a candy tin can with oil and a cloth would also make a small oil lamp. The proposed oil lamp at the top of the thread should be named big oil lamp. if weather is ever implemented than this lamp could be used outside in the rain whereas the small oil lamp could not.
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