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I solved my water problem


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My friends, I came to you recently with dire news, notifying you that I was running out of water. Fortunately, I am pleased to note that the side effects from drinking ditch water are unpleasant but tolerable. I have managed to survive, and I present a proud Fort Vom.




Thanks to everyone who believed in me.


I am currently enjoying 7 Days to Die with the following settings, and offer my unsolicited thoughts:

Dead is Dead - I don't think most people play this way. I don't backpack respawn. I don't look for my dropped stuff. I don't return to an over stocked home built from gun cabinets. I never get very far.

Warrior Mode - Now I'm starting to impress? I'm sorry, it's hard. I seen people do it well, but not me. Wolves and dogs on warrior are kind of a concern.
Loot Respawn: 50 Days, No Airdrops, No Trader Quests - if loot respawned, I'd clear the buildings of walls and just easy loot, the way I play it's a long hard life searching for a can of tuna, so you can understand my concerns about water! I think the trader is braindead content and despise anyone who grinds PvE for purple loots.

Loot 100%: I tried lower loot settings but it was not linear, and problematically it wasn't worth going into buildings. Too dangerous for no loot. Much better is ditching the immersion breaking loot respawn, and forcing the player to wander the map.

XP: 25% - I spend a lot of time sneaking around with a bow and club, i obviously like the forest biome. i wish they would add more biome zombies - having only the snowman in the snow biome is repetitive.

Zombie Structure Damage: 25% - I can't stand to see them tear through concrete like styrofoam, i tried player damage 25% but it was tedious and ultimately I enjoy building stuff. i figure i compensate by reducing their structure damage by not having loot, and to me that is a more "realistic" or rather "compelling" zombie experience. Trapped in the diner at night, they are banging on the walls outside, but they are probably not getting in. I don't want superhuman zombies.

Night: Walk, Feral: Sprint - Sprinting zombies at night makes night scary, but there is an awful strong inclination to be a rabbit in dead for dead. Just hide and wait the night, which gets boring. In dead for dead, you must resist the urge to just go take a risk, so the night is a huge red flag. Changing zombies to walk gets me to actually leave my base, so it's paradoxically more dangerous for me. Sprinting ferals and horde zombies shake it up from time to time, like on Day 1, I was nearly killed by a feral. Yikes!

Random Horde Time: It occurs about once a week, but not on the same predictable day. Then they run.

2 Hour Days: Seems better paced


My goal is to build a nice base in dead is dead, but so far I have not survived long enough! My longest was back in the days of the mole people, when I could hide on bedrock and eat mushrooms. Thank you once again for your support and encourage you to try the low loot, low xp, dead is dead survival challenge! With the new map options, I am considering an all desert map - haha.









Edited by vom (see edit history)
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