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POI Building Help, Tips, and Tricks

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Hi, just signed up. I need help. I'm getting into building POIs. I am building a Trader POI and I need to know how to make it indestructible. I tried looking for tutorial videos but can't find any. Or any video I find are badly out dated. Please help. Be advised, I am still new to coding and alterations. With this said, please explain the solution to me in the most simplest step-by-step way. Thank You.

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On 7/9/2023 at 2:34 PM, GunRunner said:

Hi, just signed up. I need help. I'm getting into building POIs. I am building a Trader POI and I need to know how to make it indestructible. I tried looking for tutorial videos but can't find any. Or any video I find are badly out dated. Please help. Be advised, I am still new to coding and alterations. With this said, please explain the solution to me in the most simplest step-by-step way. Thank You.

If you look at an existing trader XML file, there is a tag starting it is a trader and another starting that it is protected.  Out those into yours and it should be fine.  I am on my phone so can't get you the exact lines.

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