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Batons and Spears update?


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I was considering.  If a lot of firearms and even some physical weapons have multiple stages - up to four or more, why not some others?  Even the knuckles have four stages, technically.  Fists, leather wraps, brass knuckles, steel knuckles.

And I thought perhaps...

Spear - Stone spear, iron spear, steel spear, gun spear.  Gun spear would, as the name implies, work like a gun.  Or a gun lance.  One single shot only, maybe using rifle ammo, I don't know.  The idea is less-so about being able to shoot a lot and more-so holding one round in the chamber, maybe a second to reload it, and is used to stagger and knock over zombies so that you can poke them in the head while they're downed.  And can be used in circumstances where you are surrounded and need a bit of a cool-off, perhaps when you don't have a corridor of zombies to poke, but instead are AoE surrounded and need to blow a few back to get out of dodge for a second.

Baton - Tonfa (wood), pipe, blade (iron), stun (steel-esque).  Something I find about the batons, especially given they are an int weapon, is that they have quite a bit of versatility, potentially, similar to the various turrets you can hold in your hands or wield alongside you, and the many traps at your disposal.  So what if a wooden tonfa baton was used for low stamina situations where you need to keep hitting, juking and jiving like you would an ordinary wooden club, but with faster swing times and procs with the Int perks?  A bladed baton would be akin to Talim's batons from Soul Caliber, in that they are for slashing primarily, and for quick dexterous cutting.  Since you can't really put any of the blade mods on any of the batons, I figure this would be a fantastic way to give the baton speccing some blade love, given the versatilty.  And it means that an int build may be able to switch between all four of these on a whim, depending what is needed for the situation - hence intelligence.

If you have anything to add, or feedback you wanna give, please feel free.

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