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can not make me admin because I play through gamepass (serveradmin.xml)


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i'm trying to make myself admin on my server. for this i need to customize the serverconfig.xml and enter a steamid. but the problem here is i'm playing via gamepass. what do i need to enter instead of a steamid to make myself admin when playing via gamepass?


<user steamID="?????????" name="Hint on who this user is" permission_level="0" />

Edited by kevlechef (see edit history)
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  • kevlechef changed the title to can not make me admin because I play through gamepass (serveradmin.xml)

My current serveradmin.xml has lines like this:

<user platform="Steam" userid="76561198014024593" permission_level="0" />


To get a similar file, just delete your old serveradmin.xml file and start the game once. You should get a new one. Sadly the comment section of the serveradmin.xml is not updated to list what values platform can take, but for example "EOS" and your EOS id should probably work as well and you definitely have an EOS id no matter where you come from.


Also you probably will find out the correct platform name for gamepass if you look at any login attempt in the logifles of your server. In my case I see many lines with "PltfmId='Steam_765....", maybe you will see "PltfmId='Gamepass_765..." or "PltfmId='Xbox_765...".


PS: I would be interested in whatever you find out. I.e. whether EOS really works or what the correct platformid is in your case.

Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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yes thank you! it worked with the eos id. i just changed the line in the serveradmin.xml to


<user platform="EOS" userid="000215d54d..." permission_level="0" />


and it  seems like for xbox gamepass account it works with


<user platform="XBL" userid="880E7521....." permission_level="0" />




thank u very much for this fast and helpful answer!!

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