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I'm kind of new to all this


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The general pattern is that a modlet's directory/folder goes into a Mods directory/folder HERE...




For instance you'd put the ZZTong-Prefabs modlet's folder would be %APPDATA/7DaysToDie/Mods/ZZTong-Prefabs


You can tell a modlet's folder because it has a ModInfo.xml file in it, other files and folders. A common mistake is that when you unpack a ZIP file you might get another layer of folder.


Each modlet gets its old folder under Mods.


It is handy to know that %APPDATA% is a variable that Windows understands. It usually refers to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming where your user ID plugs into USERNAME so that it is unique to each users on the system.


When you start talking about using Overhaul Mods and/or Mod Launcher, then things can change away from this pattern. You'll want to follow the instructions for them.

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