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Random ideas


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Here's several random ideas I had that could make the game interesting. I've read a lot about moats around their forts = awesome! So how about workable drawbridges!? Thinking about drawbridges made me think about bridges. Bridges made me think about zombies crossing them so you'd have a quick way of stopping them. This made me think of burning the bridges. Of course to quickly destroy it you'd have to have it pre-soaked in gas, so we need gas. To get that gas to light you could use a torch, but that would likely kill you. You need to do it from a distance, with a fire bolt. Other random items: Lighters Matches Tires Round building frames Bows & Arrows
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For starters I'd like to see something like a rope with knots. Functions like a ladder except that you can pull it up an let it down (maybe with a chance to break after some uses (rope --> damaged rope) so that the player needs to replace it from time to time). But would be crazy op against zombies right now so they probably need improvements first. I'd like the pimps to wait with giving the player to much more strong tools for defense because the survival aspect is already pretty lackluster right now. If the player gets more tools to defend that would only get worse.
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[QUOTE=Hinado;130066]For starters I'd like to see something like a rope with knots. Functions like a ladder except that you can pull it up an let it down (maybe with a chance to break after some uses (rope --> damaged rope) so that the player needs to replace it from time to time). But would be crazy op against zombies right now so they probably need improvements first. I'd like the pimps to wait with giving the player to much more strong tools for defense because the survival aspect is already pretty lackluster right now. If the player gets more tools to defend that would only get worse.[/QUOTE] That's an interesting idea. Maybe do it as a tool so that it degrades with each use. Just give it no way to repair so you'll have no choice but to make more. Made from the fibers, obviously. Wonder if there would be a way to make it as a tool but also as an expendable resource for some projects. You'd need to include rope in the drawbridges and rope bridges! To go with the rope, how about a grappling hook to attach it to so you can throw it. Actually! Rope as a resource and a grappling hook for climbable part that degrades with use and requires more rope to repair.
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