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Darelius Feedback and Suggestions


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Hello everyone.
I play the game since 2013 efore it went to Steam and i really love it
The porribility to build in survival (nearly) everything i want.
Beautiful buildins etc.

But Since Alpha 19 some things are gone wors and make the game nearly unplayable for me and some of my friends.

There are dozens of reasons to still play the game and hundreds, why the game is great, but i must talk
about some major negative things.


Critical Problems

Flickering Textures
Since Alpha 19 there were flickering textures, in Alpha 20 they got even worse.
Another guy made a video and posted it on youtube (Youtue video settings to max so see the effect)
Youtube Video of the Flickering

For sensitive Eyes, like mine and some of my friends this makes the game unplayable in the moment!

I searched long for the "reason", most times people say something about "TAA". I tried hundreds of settings,
but this problem till appears.
I hope, this bug will be reomved in Alpha 21 to continue playing the great game!


Zombies make Game to a Dia-Show
I played on different serves, but all, where i played have the same problem.
When too much zombies are there, the game work like a dia-show, even on better computers, regardless of
graphic settings! (I turned everthying of/minimum but still the same diashow)

In some areas the FPS drops hardly only when looking in a city, where many sleeper zombies are!
No idea, WHY it is so, hope the problem will be fixed soon.!

These two problems make the game nmearly unplayable in most cases and that is sad...

Major Problems / Suggestions


Game difficulty
Even on hard settings after a hile, especialls between level 80 and 120, when you have
good (not even best) equipment and moste neccessary skills, nearly no zimbies are a danger for
experienced players anymore, so there is no challange.
Suggestion for this problem:
Make a wandering Raid Boss zombie, which collect some zombies around. It starts with
about 20.000 HP or so, He avoid claim blocks. But when a player attack him, he follow him a long
while (even into a claim block!) Maybe there are more boss types but only one at each time.
What other "buffs" this boss have, depending on existence time, zombies etc) are another thing...
But this would be a challange in late games...


Since electricity come into game, all were enthusiastic, but it wes never "good" in my personal opinion.
On a lange lights work, soem not and sometimes they work and other not, weird.....
Especially the Spotlight, sometimes it work, sometimes not. The Spotlight next to it work, when the
other dont work, etc.
Most Traps have a durability that makes them very "useless", like the electric fence, that is
extreme fast broken.
There is no possible way to put more lines to one source!
And so i cant make a "toggle switch" or other, simple things.
Suggestions to fix some of these:
- Make a collector with 2 or more "incoming" power lines
- Make a Fuel tank Block (or even more then one) connected to the generator for more time or running, that
you can refill, like the generator itself.
- enhance durability of electric fences or change them somehow?
Additional Suggestions:
- Add wind power maybe (very common)
- Add Water power (a turbine block at a water wheel or even a turbine like a Hover damm or so?)
- Ability to "move" wires somehow?
- Remove the power use of wire connectors, then they are only connected by one in and one out!

Zombie Damage Immunity / Falling
It take a long time until i noticed it, but when shooting a zombie, it take not damage of every shot.
My "Opinion" why this happens, is following:
When i shoot a zombie, and it start falling, the "hitbox" of the zombie "instant" falls, so when i
shoot at the falling body i dont do damage, bacause the hitpox is on the ground.
Only my obeservation so far, maybe it has another reason.
Same appears, when zombie standing up, the hitbox seems to stand immediatly and i shoot into
the ground then. Thats very bad, when i use a machine gun and many shots go into the "body" but
dont do damage.
Suggestion to fix:

In "Falling" and "Standup" animations, BOTH hitboxes are active, this only resembles the
vulnerability of this situation and far easyer then a "falling" hitbox i guess ;)


Vehicle Damage agains zombies
Okay, when i sit in my car and hit a Person on the street with 50 mp/H, its normally instant dead...
When i drive above even a "half zombie" it takes very little damage....

Make damage with vehicles at zombies much more and depending on speed.
Even a zombie bear should not resist a 70 mp/h impact of an armored Car with extra spikes and
shove the bear away and dont drive above it ;)


So, that are the most weird problems in my opinion.

There are some "minor" things, like rive looks UGLY and RWG makes only very weird citys but thats not game relevant for me.

Those things are in my opinion very important to "change" somehow.


Remember, thats only my personal opinion and no offense to anyone.

I really love the game and enjoued thousands of hours of fun so far.




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