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Broken Quests Zombies Spawning


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Hey everybody. I noticed a problem at alpha 20 during quests compliting. Sometimes zombies does not spawn in the moment I am exploring location. It happens somethere then zombies spawn at another place they must do. Then I have to explore one more time to complete a task and detect all of deads. It is a bug? I did not see it before.

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1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

Are you using mods or custom made POIs?


If not it is definitly a bug.


Haven´t really played a lot without mods during A20 so i can´t say i have seen this. Usually this happened to me only in custom made buildings during older Alphas.

Thank you for attention. I dont use any mods. I am playing clear 7dtd version on Nevezgane

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