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Question : Reducing/Removing Experience from building/upgrading blocks

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An mod I was thinking of creating , something that would allow you to reduce/negate the experience from building/upgrading.

If you create your own base from scratch and do it by upgrading, you gain huge experience which cranks up the gamestage. Trying to provide the option to prevent this.


Not sure what's the best way of going about this. Thoughts were

  1. create a clothing that prevents experience. Would impact other things though.
  2. Creating another version of claw hammer and nailgun that has no experience. Would then be another item you need to have
  3. Changing the experience in the blocks/resource to 0 it. Removes any choice.


Other issues

  1. Cannot find out how nerdy glasses give xp boost, so cannot find out how to do the opposite.
  2. A number of files are needed for this. The items, recipies, loot, etc. Couldn't easily switch between unless had both items.
  3. There seems to be a lot of blocks I would have thought were the same.
    For instance, what's the difference between <material id="Mcobblestone"> and <material id="Mcobblestone_shapes"> ?


Any other ideas that don't have a catch? What would other modders suggest for doing this?


Would there be any way to add a radial menu to them (like a guns ammo type) that could turn off the expereince?


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To remove experience from upgrading items, you might be able to do it with a simple line modification


From the entityclasses.xml file:


        <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" value="5" tags="Upgrading"/>


That is from the playerMale entity class.  If you change that value, you might be able to reduce experience gained from upgrading.  Not sure when I will be able to code something up and try, but some thoughts I had:


  • Change value from 5 to 0
  • Change value from a positive to a negative (so subtraction)
  • If that doesn't remove all experience, change it from perc_add to base_set with a value of 0


Also from the items.xml file


    <property name="RepairExpMultiplier" value="5.5"/>


This was from the stone axe and claw hammer (nail gun has the same line but a higher value).  Modifying that might also affect experience gained from upgrading one's base.  Though this one states Repair so it might only apply to repair items, but something that could easily be modified to see what happens (unless someone with more experience chimes in that has dealt with this property before).


Ignore all that about the items file, I just looked at a non-repairing item and they have the same line.  It looks like that it is tied towards repairing the actual item, not the action of repairing

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20 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

To remove experience from upgrading items, you might be able to do it with a simple line modification


From the entityclasses.xml file:


        <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" value="5" tags="Upgrading"/>


That is from the playerMale entity class.  If you change that value, you might be able to reduce experience gained from upgrading.  Not sure when I will be able to code something up and try, but some thoughts I had:


  • Change value from 5 to 0
  • Change value from a positive to a negative (so subtraction)
  • If that doesn't remove all experience, change it from perc_add to base_set with a value of 0


Also from the items.xml file


    <property name="RepairExpMultiplier" value="5.5"/>


This was from the stone axe and claw hammer (nail gun has the same line but a higher value).  Modifying that might also affect experience gained from upgrading one's base.  Though this one states Repair so it might only apply to repair items, but something that could easily be modified to see what happens (unless someone with more experience chimes in that has dealt with this property before).


Ignore all that about the items file, I just looked at a non-repairing item and they have the same line.  It looks like that it is tied towards repairing the actual item, not the action of repairing


Hmm, interesting , hadn't seen the thing against the player itself. That might work, will look into.


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Removing it doesn't do anything, but setting it to a different number does.  See below as I changed it from its default of 5 to -10


Before I upgraded 5 blocks



After I upgraded 5 blocks to steel (from wood frames)



Note the increase to next level.  My value penalizes the player so you will need to make adjustments.

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