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RWGmixer.xml Questions

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Hi, Just wondering if anyone knows how to regulate POI spawns using this file like used to be possible.

I'm Trying to get all the unique POI's to spawn on one map, and have less repeats, for example the last world I generated had several instances of Trailer_4 and none of Skyscrapers 1 & 4.

I know you used to be able to use the RWGmixer to do something like this


<append xpath="/rwgmixer/prefab\_rules/prefab\_rule\[@name=wildernessGroup\]">

<prefab name="POI NAME" min_count="1" max_count="1" prob="1"



Does anyone know if anything like this still possible in A20.5, or is there an easier way?


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I'm not aware of a way to signal unique placement, set a minimum or maximum appearance, or influence the probability of placement in A20. I don't remember them in A19, either, unless you shift to talking about other world generators.

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9 hours ago, ZaraEatsRainbows said:

Thankyou, It's actually some of your POI's I'm trying to get to spawn in along with some from the wasteland and a few extras :) I'd try other generators but then I'd have to make a list right?


I can usually get everything, or nearly everything, to show up on a 10k map just with Vanilla RWG setting the towns/cities to max. You need cities to give the "Intersection" POIs a chance to spawn because you're only going to get their Tile once per city. I don't use any of the A19-era world generators anymore, but more on that at the end.


Making the map bigger (with a mod) makes it easier to get everything. I use "RELXIX_UIMENU_MoreRWGSizeOptions" to give me more options and I've become fond of 15k maps, but then I like travel.


But you also wanted "no duplicates." That's not a feature, to my knowledge. IIRC, only KingGen tried that for A19 and it didn't work out, mostly because KingGen was trying to do large cities and it would keep running out of content and be forced to repeat.


I don't recommend going back to Nitrogen or KingGen as you'll lose Parts from POIs and won't get any Tiles, so those three "Intersection" POIs won't get placed anywhere that makes sense. There are some folks who will use KingGen features to assist in their manual efforts to make a map, so it can be a useful tool still, if you really know what you're doing.

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Thanks, To be fair, I'm not that bothered about duplicates as long as everything can be spawned in, I just thought it might help my chances of getting all unique POI's in one map. I don't really want to Increase the map size however as a 10k map already takes long enough to load. I have tried Increasing the spawn rate in the RWGmixer xml as shown below but its still far from perfect and I'm not sure how much I can bump the numbers without causing issues.


        <property class="countrytown">
            <property name="few" value="2"/>
            <property name="default" value="4"/>
            <property name="many" value="6"/>
            <property name="mintiles" value="4"/>
            <property name="maxtiles" value="6"/>
        <property class="town">
            <property name="few" value="2"/>
            <property name="default" value="4"/>
            <property name="many" value="6"/>
            <property name="mintiles" value="8"/>
            <property name="maxtiles" value="12"/>
        <property class="city">
            <property name="few" value="2"/>
            <property name="default" value="4"/>
            <property name="many" value="10"/>
            <property name="mintiles" value="16"/>
            <property name="maxtiles" value="20"/>
        <property class="wilderness">
            <property name="few" value="300"/>
            <property name="default" value="350"/>
            <property name="many" value="500"/>

I'd love to find out if that old bit of code I posted above or something like it would still work though, is it worth asking in the discord maybe?

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16 hours ago, ZaraEatsRainbows said:

I'd love to find out if that old bit of code I posted above or something like it would still work though, is it worth asking in the discord maybe?


I don't think that min/max/prob code worked in A19 either.


It never hurts to ask, but that code was in rwgmixer.xml and in A20 we no longer list POIs in that file. We don't list them in any file. RWG finds them if they're in one of the right folders.


Perhaps the only thing available to try is "density" settings for custom Tiles, but the default Tiles aren't defined within an XML file. I assume they're hard-coded somewhere. I don't really know what the "density" value represents. Some speculate is the number of blocks radius from which a duplicate POI is not allowed to be placed. Another bit of speculation suggests it has to do with some performance issue, like the number of triangles allowed in an area. I have no idea and have not bothered to experiment with it.

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