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how to wrap pillar shapes? and HP question for shapes


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So, if I use a full size pillar in lieu of a traditional cube, which shape can use to wrap it to make a little stronger?


Do smaller shapes still have same amount of HP, or is a shape, that is a half of a 1m cube, 1/2 the points?


Mucho Grass.

Edited by Rotor (see edit history)
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16 minutes ago, Rotor said:

So, if I use a full size pillar in lieu of a traditional cube, which shape can use to wrap it to make a little stronger?

None, really. Each block stays within its cube form (with couple exceptions, like the wall safe), so, nothing can hug a curved surface inside. Maybe centered thin poles (0.02m or some such in the shape menu) might not look terrible going up along the center?


19 minutes ago, Rotor said:

Do smaller shapes still have same amount of HP, or is a shape, that is a half of a 1m cube, 1/2 the points?

At the moment mostly* the same, but TFP already made the smaller ones proportionally weaker, and rolled it back.. they may be looking to change that.

*Sheets have a very low hp, I guess due to being used as the "zombie closet".

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