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Create an automatic server restart 7 days to die in Linux (console)


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I use two scripts that I call in crontab:


One to start a server is rather trivial:


nohup ./startserver.sh -configfile=serverconfig.xml &>/dev/null &


The one to stop the server needs the servers telnet access:

set timeout 20

spawn telnet localhost <YOUR TELNET PORTNUMBER>

expect "Please enter password:"
expect "Press 'help' to get"
send "shutdown\r"
sleep 15
send "exit\r"


If you want to restart immediately after a crash, crontab naturally won't help that much. In that case you need some script checking if the server is still running aka a watchdog that then calls the start script.


There are also at least 2 server managers from modders available that probably do this type of thing as well.


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