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Please give us an option for: Time keeps ticking with 0 players on server


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Many of our players do not enjoy facing the Blood Moon alone and so log out to avoid it. When that happens, time stops ticking and the BM stays shining overhead, waiting like the Sword of Damocles for the next player to log in. Telling my players to "git gud" is not an option!


We use CSMM to help manage our servers.

* I looked at implementing a "death bubble" for 1-2 minutes if someone logs in during BM but there's no reliable way to detect whether it's BM or not.
* I fear that giving *all* new logins a death bubble will result in abuse in ways that I can't foresee.
* I looked into implementing a /voteday command that lets players skip the night if a majority votes in favour but that turns out to be a pretty complex piece of code. The expert programmers over at CSMM all replied, "Oh! That looks like a fun one!" when I put the idea forward. "Fun" in programmer-speak means "complex" and I'm not a programmer!


A simple solution would be a TimeKeepsRunningWithZeroPlayers: true/false configuration option. I hope we can see that in the not too distant future.




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Thanks for the suggestion. Will need to test it pretty thoroughly though. We run Darkness Falls (comprehensive overhaul) on one server and ImprovedHordes on another. Both of which may/do influence spawning. Will check it out.

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This has me wondering if instead of letting time pass when nobody is online, how about if the game just skips the Blood Moon if there aren't some minimum number of players on at 2100? Hopefully that number would be configurable. Another option is perhaps it drops the Blood Moon's game stage down to the minimum, so you get a really minor and short event. Just riffing on ideas. Regards.

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