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Zombie Horde on Server


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I have a question about Zombie Horde on Server. 

Ehen i Player on a Server with several Personen, how will be the Zombie Horde strange calculated?

When there are different groups on the Server and one group have a high level instead the other groups does all groups will get a high zombie horde or will this be calculated different? 


Thanks in advance.

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The horde is calculated for each group seperatly. So if you and your friends are in a group, the game will calculate the horde according to the combined gamestage of your group. No matter how much higher other groups on the server are.


You will get the horde of another group plus your own horde if you share the same horde base with a higher level group though.


So if you have your own horde base far enough away from others you should be fine.




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